A Thousand Year Empire

At seeing you ―continued saying the Führer― I comprehend how Sacred is the work that we have taken over our shoulders; the foundation of the Reich of the Thousand Years. Our cause is not only the best ideal for which could live or die a German, but also for mankind’s freedom, the struggle to save the world from the dark forces; the final battle against the elementarwesen.

Excerpt from The Mystery of Belicena Villca

Reality is always built on deception, on the lies of the secret powers that erase what is not convenient, what really happened; the historical truth. Much has been said about the Second World War; practically every day the propaganda machine media indoctrinates us about the cruelty and horrors of the “Nazis.” The masses blindly accept it as a “fact”, without minimal critical reasoning. We are constantly reminded that the truly oppressive, racist and despicable world was buried in Germany, 1945. We must not but blindly thank the allies, for having freed the world from the greatest evil in history. And so it is allowed to speak eternally against the Nazi plans of world domination, but it is not allowed to speak about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, nor is it possible to condemn the current Zionist-imperialist racism against Palestinians.

A practically unknown perspective about National socialism has been deliberately kept hidden; the metapolitical vision of the Third Reich. On a political level, International Judaism, under the mask of Marxism, was fought. On a metapolitical level, it was intended to prevent the extermination of the White Race, a current agenda led by Talmudic-Zionist-Kabbalistic Judaism. Adolf Hitler sought not only to prevent the extinction of Indo-European man (the Kalergi Plan was already in march during his lifetime), but also aspired to guarantee the glory and supremacy of Germany and Europe.

Germany was the first step of this Great Aryan Revolution, the place where the Light would be born that would allow the expected cultural and economic renewal, which would finally lead to a New Golden Age, where the Germans would be the first banners. Guido von List, and other Traditionalist authors such as Gorsleben, Haeckel and Lanz von Liebenfels, censored now by militant Zionism, appealed to the Ancestral Heritage creation of a Thousand Year Empire founded on the principle of Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil), an empire ruled by a caste of Initiated Hyperborean Wise Priests.

Wagner and Nietzsche had their brilliant contribution in the new revolution that would bring the white race to the world. The currents of this cultural awakening will last a millenium. The spiritual foundations that projected and yearned for a millennial empire for the White Race gave rise to numerous lodges and secret esoteric organizations, such as the Armanist Community, the Swastika Circle, the Edda Society, The Order of the New Templars (ONT), the Germanenorden and its Bavarian branch, the Thule Society. The DAP arises from the Thule Society, and from the DAP, arises the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler's party.

The Greater German Reich

Socialism, conceived as the highest moral idea, as the idea that man is not in the world only for himself alone, that every man has duties toward the community, toward all humanity, and that he is not only responsible for the momentary wellbeing of his family, of the members of his tribe, of his folk, but that he also has unshakable moral obligations toward the future of his children and his folk.

Excerpt from Manifesto for the abolition of Interest-Slavery

At the end of the First World War, the German economy ended up sinking due to compensation payments collected by international bankers. The Treaty of Versailles subjected the German people to humiliating vexations. The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) emerged as a response. Adolf Hitler became the spokesman for the entire plundered people. He fulfilled his duty by collaborating with all means so that the Volksbegehren (popular demand) and then the Volksentscheid (popular decision) were against the injustices of the Versailles treaty. After his rise to power in 1933, he managed to abate the great crisis by employing nearly six million unemployed people. In only four years, Hitler transformed a ruined nation into the most powerful and prosperous state in Europe.

David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of Great Britain, made an extensive tour of Germany in late 1936. In an article, he wrote: “There can be no doubt that Hitler has achieved a marvelous transformation in the spirit of the people. It is not the Germany of the first decade that followed the war; broken, dejected and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence; it is a happier Germany. One man has accomplished this miracle. The fact that Hitler has rescued his country from the fear of repetition of that period of despair, penury and humiliation has given him an unchallenged authority in modern Germany. The old trust him; the young idolize him. It is not the admiration accorded to a popular leader. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country from utter despondence and degradation. I have never seen a happier people than the Germans; Hitler is one of the greatest of the many great men I have met.”

From 1933 to 1945, the Germanic people was for the first time Sovereign and free from the international banking cartels, reaching a glory never seen before. In just 12 years, the Führer managed to establish a totally new System, a model never seen before, linked to the spiritual roots of ancient Europe and totally free from Judaic influence. And it worked perfectly. Much remained to be done; the cultural revolution was just beginning and was truncated by the premature arrival of the war.

The economic causes of World War II

The International Jew was alarmed, since being the hoarding of gold and the domain of banking its means of world domination. It meant a serious danger to them, the triumph of a State that could be industrialized without gold, and also, to dissolve their credit institutions from the international Israelite network since many others would hurry to imitate it. How to avoid that danger? There was only one way; annihilate Germany.

Excerpt from Worldwide Defeat

The roots of World War II were envy, greed and fear. The international Jewish banking was horrified by Hitler’s economic success, in the same way that several generations ago, their families were frightened by the economic achievements of Lincoln and Napoleon. This was the main cause of the Second World War. The German barter system and Hitler’s determination not to accept foreign loans caused real panic in financial circles; the Third Reich represented an example for other countries that wanted to break their shackles from International Usury.

The National Socialist economy had exposed the deception regarding the two creations of Judaism; Marxism in the East and Capitalism in the West. And from there was born the tacit alliance between East and West to launch the peoples of the World into a War that went against their interests.

Adolf Hitler, the most hated and defamed character in history, has been the closest to liberating mankind from banking interest-slavery, by battling until the end the two main fronts of Jewish International Finance, Capitalism and Communism. The Second World War was the excuse to eliminate by all means his revolutionary movement which was deliberately crushed by violence in 1945. Jewry used the military power of the enslaved white “allied” nations for its own benefit, thereby achieving the triumph of Communism over National Socialism,, that is, Judaism over the Third Reich. The result was the ascension of Zion and its New World Order.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler expressed that his ‘unforgettable crime’ had been to “ventured to liberate at least a piece of the planet from the domination of the Jewish-Freemasons and their international poison.” After the war, the allied war propaganda created a series of defamations and false accusations against his figure and his government, forming part of the official history and which has ensured the Global hegemony and the status quo of these “democratic” powers.

Übermensch: the Germanic heroic spirit

If, with the help of the Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did millions of years ago, move through the ether devoid of man. Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler is often criticized for having caused the German and European people's sacrifice in vain, suggesting that the end result, instead of benefiting the Aryan Race, contributed to its final destruction. Those who think this way show that they are absolutely unaware of the heroic spirit and do not know Hitler's intimate thoughts regarding the war. If we currently see White People gradually disappear, it is because this inverted world prevents us from seeing the light of Truth. The Aryan Race must recognize its heroic idiosyncrasy and vindicate it, if it does not want to follow in the footsteps of eventual extinction.

The responsibility for the debacle of the war is not as we are led to believe 100% Hitler and the Germans. Hitler did not seek to create a “warlike” people as the Allied propaganda claims. War was considered only a means and not an end in itself. The goal was not heroism for individual heroism but heroism to achieve the Salvation and Glory of the Aryan people.

Hitler says: “In reality, the losses that arise directly from a war are in no way in proportion to the losses that arise from a bad and unhealthy life of a people as such. Silent hunger and bad vices kill in ten years many more people than war could kill in a thousand. But the cruelest war is precisely the one that seems to be the most peaceful in the eyes of humanity today, that is, the peaceful economic war. What a military war kill a fragment of the present; economic war kills the future. A single year of birth control in Europe kills more people than all those who fell on battlefields; from the times of the French Revolution to the present day, in all the wars in Europe, including the world war.”

Hitler was fully aware that, in wars, following natural selection, the best racial elements voluntarily came to the sacrifice of heroic fighting and that a great deal of pure blood was lost in war. The Übermensch dies, the Untermensch lives on. Hitler puts it this way; “The percentage of the best who die in a nation is disproportionately increased, while, conversely, the percentage of the worst elements can be preserved to the highest degree. Above the extremely idealistic men who are willing to sacrifice their own lives for the people’s community, there are many vile, selfish ones who consider preserving their own personal life as the highest task of human living.”

In this way, the idea behind the creation of the Lebensborn (which means: source of life) reproductive centers, the soldiers of the front, especially the SS, were briefly removed from combat to have children of great Aryan racial purity to replace, as far as possible, the blood lost in combat. Thousands of Aryans were born this way. The SS Black Order was in service of the preservation of the White Race. The skull of the SS, symbolized the insignificance of individual death before the conservation of the Race; the understanding of this natural Aryan-pagan principle of life over death. 

Weltanschauung: the Traditional Eternal Values

There is a superior unity of all those who despite all, fight in different parts of the world in the same battle, lead the same revolt, and are the bearers of the same intangible Tradition. These forces appear to be scattered and isolated in the world, and yet are inexorably connected by a common essence that is meant to preserve the absolute ideal of the Imperium and to work for its return.

Men Among the Ruins, by Julius Evola

Adolf Hitler, followed by people determined to free themselves from the internationalist yoke, added to the technology they possessed (and those that were to arrive), were on the verge of achieving the final victory. It was not the weakness of the Weltanschauung that brought the tragic defeat in WWII, but the overwhelming material strength of a large number of world powers pursuing Zion's globalist agenda. Although the Third Reich may have materially lost the war, World War II was the first great victorious battle of the Spirit that managed to manifest as never before. 

The Weltanschauung never fades. The Ideal lives on in the soul of the European Collective Unconscious. World War II did not mark the end, but the beginning of a Holy War that would define the next Millenium. National Socialism left the indelible image of a people following a true hero that fought for a new world on the canvas of history. The Third Reich failed to maintain itself materially, but it was the first attempt. Its spiritual essence remains intact; it is eternal and unalterable. We currently have two paths; we fight to honor the memory and effort of the Führer and his heroic followers, or we submit to this present slavery that Zion imposes on us.

In Revolt Against the Modern World, Julius Evola’s magnum opus, he details his views about the spiritual state of the world about the current state of the Kali Yuga. There are still heroic and virtuous individuals, unknown people, often ignorant of each other’s existence, united by an invisible bond or egregore, which had formed an unbreakable chain, capable of not only to preserve the Traditional Eternal Values, but to materialize them once again. By virtue of these people, the enlightened or awakened ones, the flame of the Arcadian Tradition (Weltanschauung) is present despite all; “although the Kali Yuga is an age of great destructions, those who live during it and manage to remain standing may achieve fruits that were not easily achieved by men living in other ages.”

As Evola states: “There are an increasing number of individuals who experience a confused and yet real need for liberation, though they do not know in the name of what. To orient these people, and shield them from the spiritual dangers of the actual world, to lead them to the truth and sharpen their will to join the ranks of the first type of people is what can still be done (…) In order for the above-mentioned guiding action to be successful it is necessary to have “watchers” at hand who bear witness to the values of Tradition in ever more uncompromising and firm ways, as the antitraditional forces grow in strength (…) And let us only be concerned about one thing: to keep standing amid a world of ruins (…) we each must guard ourselves against the onslaught and work to bring about the end of ‘the modern era’ so as to terminate its suffering and bring about genuine liberation.” 

The decadent state of the world is part of a perfectly organized plan that the International Synarchy has carried out since the very beginning of history. These occult powers, which hide behind the big financial companies, economic corporations, esoteric organizations, religious sects or ‘philanthropic’ foundations, are leading humanity towards the most terrible of destinies. Therefore, the only alternative is to wake up and face strategically the demonic forces that intend to subject us to total slavery. Savitri Devi prophesied: “National Socialism will return because upon reaching the present historical cycle to its total decline, it’s return will be inevitable”.

We must fight for the existence and growth of our race and our people, the feeding of our children, the maintenance of the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of our fatherland, and fulfill the mission given to us by the Creator of the universe.

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
