Worldwide Defeat

By Salvador Borrego Escalante (English Edition, 2021)

Publication details

“World War II was apparently won by the Western powers, but in reality, it was a Jewish triumph over the Western Christian Civilization. One consequence is the current social dissolution.”

Salvador Borrego

Worldwide Defeat (Derrota Mundial) is a book written by Salvador Borrego published in 1953. It describes the origins, development, and consequences of World War II, exposing facts that are relatively unknown, especially for those who attack “Nazism” without knowing exactly what it was. It was prefaced from the second edition by the illustrious Mexican philosopher José Vasconcelos, who wrote in the prologue: “It is one of the most important books ever published in America.”

Without a doubt, Worldwide Defeat is the greatest book writeen made about World War II; there is no book on this subject with such varied and solid documentation. The first five editions of Worldwide Defeat were surrounded by a boycott of silence, despite the fact that it sold out in record time, not unusual for Mexican books. The sixth edition, published in 1959, disturbed those who fear the truth and then resorted to threats against the author and book distributors, being accused of anti-Semitism, which is unfounded. What Worldwide Defeat exhibits are the advance of the Marxist conspiracy: if the inventors of this doctrine and its main propagators are an International Jewish political group, to say so is not “anti-Semitism”, but to record a historical fact. The synarchy does not does not want us to know the truth about Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, if that were to happen it would be the collapse of the current system, bringing down all its sinister plans.



CHAPTER I: Red aurora (1848-1918)

CHAPTER II: Hitler towards the East (1919-1936)

CHAPTER III: The West gets in the way (1933-1939)

CHAPTER IV: The war Hitler didn’t want (1939-1940)

CHAPTER V: Back to the East (1940-1941)

CHAPTER VI: The war that Hitler did want (1941)

CHAPTER VII: Saving Bolshevism (1941-1942)

CHAPTER VIII: Victory swing (1943)

CHAPTER IX: The highest summits of human effort (1944)

CHAPTER X: The end of Hitler (1945)

CHAPTER XI: Worldwide defeat (1945-1965)


Letter from Otto Skorzeny to Salvador Borrego (1958)

Mr. D. Salvador Borrego

Dear Sir:

I am very sorry to have lost your address, which your Lady was kind enough to give me then.

As a friend of mine unknown to me, Mr. D.A. Badillo, has sent me your book, I would like to take the opportunity to express my thanks to you on behalf of the participants in the war.

With the book “Worldwide Defeat”, you have created a work, which will contribute a lot to the future and definitive historiography on the last war. You have applied yourself to study innumerable material and you have drawn, in my opinion, from all this material, which was at your disposal, the correct conclusions.

In any case, you are the first to publish certain facts, and I believe that the public will thank you for it, even if they are often small and insignificant facts, these facts are in their entirety of great importance for the judgment of events.

I believe that the definitive historiography, the one that will always be carried out objectively after a few decades after the events, will not be able to pass and will not pass through your book.

I take this opportunity to greet you very attentively and I remain very affectionate to you. Yours faithfully


Colonel Waffen SS

Otto Skorzeny


The Mystery of Belicena Villca