"Welcome To 2030: You'll Own Nothing and Be Happy"

Egregore: a collective archetype with a defined purpose. Fiat money (debt-inflationary slavery) is one of the most obvious yet powerful examples. Human nature drives for a sense of meaning and belonging; that is why egregores (thoughtforms) are the most powerful tool of the Synarchy. They are experts in using thoughtforms as leverage, by establishing determined symbols (to channel the sense of meaning) and rituals or behaviors (to channel the sense of belonging). That is how Freemasons get brainwashed. Egregores keep humanity enslaved, asleep and totally lost in a cultural Labyrinth. Political ideologies, academic sciences, and religious dogmas have a specific purpose: to incorporate individuals in an established egregore, chain them to its strategic guidelines, and even make them collaborate with the “evolutionary” and “progressive” plan of the Enemy.

“The Labyrinth is to the Tree what the Tree is to the Labyrinth”. If you think in terms of politics, religion, economics, science, art, business, etc., and make a differentiation between these disciplines, you will end up lost in semantic mazes, being unable to see the whole Tree. Always have the whole picture in mind; always think in terms of Egregores. This is the best advice I can give you. You will become truly wise in no time, regardless of your age or culture.

If you think in terms of thoughtforms, you will always find the root idea behind any synarchic agenda, theory or organization (Occam's Razor). For example, Covid-19 was clearly a Trojan horse egregore to impose Communist Police-State measures; the antecedent of what is known as The Great Reset: “You'll Own Nothing and Be Happy”. However, Communism is only the exoteric manifestation of Talmudic Satanism. This ancient religion aims to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem (Zion), the “chosen” place in which the Jewish Messiah (the Christian Antichrist) will reign over the World. To achieve their final goal, Zionists need to divide, weaken and eventually destroy all Nations, by permanently subverting mankind’s Eternal Values; sexuality, racialism, family, religion, private property, etc. (Wokism/critical theory/Cultural Marxism).

No problem has ever been solved by attending to its effects, only its causes. Every Egregore problem (thesis) has a reactive, logical, dialectical solution (antithesis). If Communism (Talmudic-Satanism) is the problem, the solution is its historical antithesis, National Socialism (Hyperborean Catharism). The Third Position is not part of the Talmudic Elites dialectical spectrum. It is their weakness.

If everyone is heading towards the abyss, it doesn’t mean you have to follow them, you can always aim in the opposite direction. The Messiah egregore has not solved and will not solve any of the world’s problems, it is the cause behind all of them. It is the occult reason Western Civilization is being destroyed, and only the opposite Egregore, Parsifal, “the Man to come”, can fully restore it (heal Europe and redeem Europeans). As a thoughtform, it grants the Germans the moral high ground they deserve and Western Civilization requires. We are currently living in “interesting times”, and dogmatic indifference is not enough to face the imminent global communist threat. Only idealistic and well-intentioned egregores can do it.

Rudolf Hess once said: “There is in the Universe a Power greater than that the one of the Jew on Earth.” In 1941, the Führer’s mission of peace to England failed, he decided to attack Russia, knowing that, by facing two fronts at once, he probably won't win the war. Hitler had no other option; he needed to invade the Soviet Union to leave his ideological imprint in history, to permanently expose the Enemy’s main intentions, and to keep his theoretical worldview intact: “If National Socialism would not emerge as a political empire”, he said, “it will as a religion”. The following Heuristics were manifested from that day (June 22, 1941), and were meant to last for the next 1000 years, regardless if the Greater German Reich was destined to fall or not:

The Weltanschauung is our remaining path to salvation.