The Mystery of Belicena Villca
By Luis Felipe Moyano (English Edition, 2021)
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Where Jung left off, I began.
― Luis Felipe Moyano
If you had to choose one of the greatest work of universal literature, surely “The Mystery of Belicena Villca” (El Misterio de Belicena Villca) would occupy a relevant place. It is the best-known work of Nimrod de Rosario (Luis Felipe Moyano), and its emergence marks the appearance of a new genre, the Magical Novel (being associated with Latin-American “magic realism” literature). This book constitutes the palpable proof of the greatest effort ever made to reconnect with the Primordial Gnosis; a knowledge from extinct ages, from a very remote past. The author sought, through his Novel, to awaken and transform the sleeping man.
Nimrod de Rosario has become the greatest referent of opposition to the “New World Order” of the International Synarchy. He is considered, along with Miguel Serrano, the messenger of the Eternal Gnosis in the 20th century; which will govern the next thousand years, putting the Kali Yuga to end. He inherited the Primordial Gnosis, or Hyperborean Wisdom, from certain German secret societies that were precursors of the Black Order SS, whose remnants he contacted in Argentina, precisely to embark on the work of his life: “The Mystery of Belicena Villca”, and “The Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom”, which he bequeathed for dissemination before his mysterious departure in 1996. It is claimed in some circles that in order to write the Magical Novel he had to study over 5000 books (among them is the well-known esoteric manuscript Oera Linda).
Without a doubt, Nimrod de Rosario managed to make a contribution of inestimable value, capable of awaken and liberate humanity. The Hyperborean Wisdom is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis or eternal Gnosis, the Gnostic knowledge in its pure form. It always has been the same with different historical and cultural connotations. Due to multiple persecutions, it has been fragmented, distorted, and hidden. That is the importance of its dissemination; there is a plot to conceal and destroy this knowledge and all his writings risk being erased forever. Therefore, we ask all those who have these texts in their possession, to make them known through the web.
INTRODUCTION The Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom
FIRST BOOK «The disappeared of Tafí Del Valle»
SECOND BOOK «The Letter of Belicena Villca»
THIRD BOOK «The Quest for Uncle Kurt»
FOURTH BOOK «The story of Kurt Von Subermann»
FIFTH BOOK «Epilogue or... Prologue»
Hyper epilogue
Letter from Miguel Serrano to Nimrod de Rosario (1985)
(In this letter, Miguel Serrano makes several criticisms of Luis Felipe Moyano’s work. Perhaps blinded by jealousy, Serrano does not seem to understand that Belicena Villca is a novel and not a history book. Serrano criticizes that Moyano has put a fictitious and unreal speech on the lips of the Führer. Moyano had already explained to him that it was a novel and not a real historical fact, and that this supreme synthesis of Eternal Wisdom should be expressed in the novel by the supreme leader of Germany.)
Chile, October 30, 1985
I have received your letter and book from it, some time ago; but it has been impossible for me to worry about them before, to give them the appropriate response, due to sad family matters, which even prevented me from reaching Córdoba, where I was going on a trip, having to return urgently.
I do have to tell you that any joy I felt upon receiving his work was inhibited and even destroyed by the surprise letter you sent me with your book.
I don't know what you are talking about there, because the only valid thing between us must have been our personal correspondence. What I have written to you was always in the best spirit and aimed at collaborating or helping in what I believed could become a joint Opus, on both sides of the great mountain or backbone of the Andes.
I remember that the first thing I declared to you was that lying is not allowed, even if it were in a novel; because the Aryans do not lie, unlike the Jew, marking here the essential difference. And for this reason, even if it were in a work of fiction, it was not allowed to put into the mouth of the Führer, Adolf Hitler, long speeches with such a Gnostic flavor and that he never pronounced; because everything that today smacks of Gnosticism, dualism ―as well as monism― is inside the big Jewish business.
I told you in that letter that, in what you call Hyperborean Wisdom, “there is no room for invention or lies.” We are not authorized to start inventing things and then attribute them to a “Hyperborean wisdom revealed by the siddhas”, much less attribute them to the SS, the Thulegesellschaft, Adolf Hitler, Esoteric Hitlerism or National Socialism. It has nothing to do with the fight of the hero, of the Virà, in the Yuga of Heroes. All you visualize is a shameful escape, an exit, because in your Gnostic dualism (which has nothing to do with Hitler or the SS.) this entire world, the entire Universe is a prison, a demiurgic creation. For Esoteric Hitlerism, for me, it is only a corruption on the surface, a bad copy dressed in a film of Maya. And, in the background, there is a pure and beautiful nature, as full of nostalgia as ourselves, that cries out to us to redeem it, to transfigure it, to “make it invisible within us”, as Rilke assured.
Hitler and the SS believed in the possibility of reversing entropy. And that was the origin of the conflict of Rosenberg and the SS with Spengler. At any moment of the Yuga of the Heroes it is possible to rebuild Thule, return to the true Golden Age of the First Hyperborea ―not to the Demiurge's copy― defeat the Enemy, straighten the Axis of the Earth, transfigure it together with our mutation, or with our heroic death in combat. “Because the blood of the heroes comes closer to Wotan than the prayer of the saints”, than the “flight”, in an onanistic self-realization. And because the Heroes who die fighting for the just cause of the Führer, Adolf Hitler, will be remade in Valhalla by the Valkyries and thus achieve immortality. That is, the fight is synchronistic, outside and inside, for the redemption of the world and ours.
For this reason, we voluntarily enter here, to fight, not to escape from a hopeless Universe, from a prison, but to prevent “plagiarism” (The Devil and the Jew always plagiarize, falsify, corrupt) and corruption from continuing to spread, along with that corrupted Universe, at the expense of the Universe of the Divyas, or Siddhas, at the expense of Hyperborea. We fight here, within the same field of the Enemy. This is the Magical Idealism of Novalis, that of the SS, that of Hitler and his National Socialism. And that is also why the Nordic Aryan, of pure biological race, of pure biological blood, loves Nature (because they both have Nostalgia, Minne). The beauty of Nature has its origin in the same Nostalgia. And for that, the Jewish anti-race hates nature.
The Jewish plan and that of the Demiurge, of the Demon, of the Enemy, is to preach escapism. It has done it in many different ways in our time: with drugs, with “hippies”, with “universal love”, with homosexuality, lesbianism, orientalism, Gnosticism, “Tantrism”, “UFO”, the artificial boom and the falsification of the works of Hermann Hess and CG Jung. And also now, on a smaller scale, but just as dangerous, with you. In this way, the combat of the youth (and not only of the youth) is diverted and distorted, at the same time they are taken out of the right fight in this end, weakening it, degenerating it, in order to leave control of the situation in the sole hands of the Jews (and not only on the planet).
I repeat it again: the clouding of the Virâ, of the hero, is due to “racial sin”, to mixing with the children of the “animal-man”, to miscegenation, regeneration being still possible, trying to return by walking retrograde, the of the Left-handed Swastika –urdaveretar. “The sin against blood and race is the original sin and marks the twilight of humanity that surrenders to it.” And these are indeed words said by the Führer, Adolf Hitler (“My Struggle”). In truth, there is only one race that can express what we are calling the Hyperborean Spirit, and this is the white Nordic race and the Nordic Aryan blood; because only there can the Spirit be expressed, just as Bach can be played better on a stradivario violin. “Let's look at ourselves” said Nietzsche, “we are hyperboreans!” Well, let's look at ourselves in a mirror and there we will know if we belong to the white Aryan race, or if we are Mongols, mestizos of Indians, or mulattoes.
The Führer also said it: “Only politics admits compromise; the Weltanschauung, the conception of the world, no”. And only what Hitler said in everything that refers to Hitlerism, especially ― is true for us. We cannot, therefore, invent words and assertions for the Führer or the SS. Nor to the Siddhas; although we feel like beginning to affirm it in the name of a supposed initiation, or of a recently invented “Tirodal” Order of “Knights of the Argentine Republic”, or something else of the sort.
You can therefore rest assured that I will not enter into further controversy, not even an epistolary exchange, which I consider definitively over. I don't have time outside or inside for it, although this letter will have to circulate among the same people that you circulate the ones you address to me. I always kept the most absolute secrecy and reserve in everything that had to do with our communication, which despite being important to me, in the early days was surprising. Okay! Things have turned out differently in the present, and it's not my fault. My primary interest is focused on the desire to preserve the purity and transparency of my struggle, my concepts and my experiences, not being able to grant anyone the right to plagiarize them and divert them towards a different meaning than the one I give them.
Miguel Serrano