Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery

By Gottfried Feder (English Edition, 2021)

Publication details

“The general welfare is the supreme law.”

― Gottfried Feder

The most important text of the 20th century, Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery (Das Manifest zur Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft des Geldes), was written in 1918, a century ago and yet it is precisely the basis of any solution against the current economic systems, both Capitalist and Marxist. Gottfried Feder, the true creator of the new economy of the Third Reich, developed a system genuinely free from usury and parasitic finance-capital domination. It seems unbelievable that a century ago, he had guessed how the world was going to be a slave of interest-debt, the banking system and its ruthlesmeasures.

The National Socialist economy destroyed all the economic theories in force at that time. It consisted of an autarchic tellurocracy, in which the State guaranteed the protection of the authentic economy of the people over the big banks and big credit, by supplanting of the gold standard, or fiat currency, with the labor standard, the true wealth of the nations. The principle of social justice was the main axis of the German revolutionary spirit, destined to establish itself in the world. But the Money Power would not allow it. The German “unforgivable sin” was rebelling against the grain of bankers and the international finance, generally Jewish, who use interest-debt as a tool of domination in pursuit of their dream (or our nightmare) of a Messianic Global Government.



Foreword by Salvador Borrego

I. The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money

II. Implementation and Rationale

III. The Conversion of War-Bonds into Bank-Credit

IV. Special Comments on the Demand for Laws in the Manifesto

V. The Objections and their Refutation

VI. Further Program

Publisher’s Afterword.

Our honor is called loyalty

(On the occasion of the death of León Degrelle and the nihil obstat to the first complete edition of Mein Kampf in Spanish, Don Miguel Serrano publishes these words in which he highlights the meaning of being a hero and the seriousness of usury as a problem).

A thousand things could be said about My Struggle, citing so many luminous paragraphs, valid every hour, every minute of our poor days; on the ineffectiveness of democracy, on the corruption of politicians, on the infamy of communist totalitarianism and the evil of capitalism, triumphant today in the unleashed consumer society, in the so-called “social market economy” and in usury legalized with the interest of the money. Because —we know— National Socialism was the only system, in the entire history of men on earth, that abolished interest on money. Hitler said: “If I lend you a wardrobe, you do not return a wardrobe and a half, but the wardrobe; but if a bank lent you a hundred marks, you must return a hundred and fifty or even two hundred, and of these fifty, or a hundred, live without work the usurer”. And along with abolishing interest, he fixed the prices, so that until the end of the war there was never any inflation in Germany, replacing the “gold standard” with the “labor standard.” Thus, a worker in the Third Reich must have felt better and more secure than a king in another country.

That was a paradise and, therefore, because it was, it had to be destroyed by those who felt in danger of death when the breeding ground for carcinogenic tissue was abolished, with the disappearance of interest on money and usury. And so that no one remembers that there was once a paradise on earth, tons of lies and infamies have tried in vain to cover that summit of paradise, that mount of Parsifal. But they won't, because we're still here, remembering it! And when we must also leave, more and more battalions will come one day to recover it, and to destroy infamy and lies, to finally win!

In this marvelous book, which I am now giving you in its complete translation, it speaks of life, of war, of man and also of death. And it is said: “Hero is the one who sacrifices his life in defense of the community, of the Homeland, stripped of all personal selfishness.” Yes, because a hero is one who, without knowing or believing that there is something beyond him and this life, is willing to give it up for an ideal! And even the gods envy him, because they know that they are eternal and that they cannot die. Instead, the hero unknowingly gives it all away, even his own eternity... Yes, comrades, because the blood of heroes reaches closer to the gods than the prayers of saints...!

And Leon Degrelle said: “We must all be prepared for the most terrible thing. Isn't death, in the midst of humiliation, a way of giving oneself even more? Sacrifice admits no calculations or reservations. If I had lied, like our enemies, Where would it have come? But, nevertheless, I believe, I believe more than ever, that only idealists can change the world.... In the end, the Soul is the only thing that the Soul has left...” Yes, the Soul...!

I once heard a Chilean writer say: “I know that nothing has happened to me but life, and that nothing will happen to me but death.”

But I know that something more than life has happened to me and that something more than death will also happen to me... And this is also valid for Leon Degrelle and for our Führer, of course, on whose birthday I give you this revelation.

Heil Hitler! Heil León Degrelle!


The Mystery of Belicena Villca