Stele erected in 1960 in memory of the Cathar martyrs burned near Montségur. “After 700 years the Laurel will become green again on the ashes of the martyrs!” 2021 was the fulfilment of the prophecy.

Gnosis: The Forbidden Knowledge

“If God made this world, then I would not want to be the God. It is full of misery and distress that it breaks my heart.”

— Arthur Schopenhauer

The Legendary Account of the Four Sights has it that, during a walk, the young prince Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), met an older man, a sick man, and a dead man, exposing to him the inevitable fate of all life; the curse of existence. Gautama, deeply moved, asked himself: Why did Brahma have created a world full of misery and suffering? Arthur Schopenhauer reached similar conclusions: “But that a God like Jehovah should have created this world of misery and woe, out of pure caprice, and because he enjoyed doing it, and should then have clapped his hands in praise of his own work, and declared everything to be very good—that will not do at all.”  

“Is it God who created the ills of sickness, death and war? Why he lets children die and mistreat the innocent?” [Manes]. This material world (or “divine creation”, if you prefer) is a hellish place; a chaotic and eternal battle of energies, an infinite cycle of creation and destruction. Living beings have to tear each other apart in order to feed and survive, but inevitably all end up succumbing to the invincible curse of time; the Samsara, the eternal cycle of life and death. If the suffering of all creatures is irreconcilable with a creator of “unlimited” goodness, What kind of ‘God’ would have created such an imperfect, malevolent world?

Gnostics considered that the Demiurge or ‘Great Architect’ was the creator of our imperfect material universe, and therefore, it was the origin of all evil. The Greek philosopher Marcion de Sinope concluded that Yahweh, the Biblical God that created this world, was not the same as the Heavenly Father, the God Jesus spoke about. He regarded Jehovah as the Demiurge, a violent and cruel being, “a bloody mass murderer”. To prove it, he pointed out the atrocities, massacres, and genocides ordered by his “Chosen People”. The Demiurge YHWH, the ruthless, jealous ‘god’ of the Old Testament, is the adversary Satan that Jesus rejected in the desert; the illusion of Mara that Buddha faced in the Bodhi Tree; the demon Ahriman that Zoroaster defeated in the mountain.

The ‘god’ worshipped by most of the world religions is, in reality, the Demiurge. In the secret doctrine reserved for the apostles, Jesus revealed to them that Mammon, the God that rules this world, is not worthy of adoration; only the true God, a being that escapes our understanding, is sacred. In the Gospel of Judas, there is an occasion when Jesus found his disciples gathered, offering a prayer over the bread they were going to eat. Jesus approached them and started to laugh hysterically. His disciples, annoyed and dazzled, asked him: “Master, why are you laughing at our thanksgiving prayer? Are we not doing the right thing?” Jesus responded, “I am not laughing at you. You do not do this by your will, but because this is the way your god should be praised […] That is the god (Demiurge or Archon) you serve.”

The Allegory of the Cave

Plato walks alongside Aristotle, holding the Timaeus. The School of Athens, by Raphael.

The only way to escape is by reaching Gnosis (knowledge). Otherwise, you will keep changing from body to body until you achieve it.

— Plato

In the Gnostic philosophical thought of Plato, the images and entities of the sensible world are imperfect forms, mere imitations of the ideal, eternal and uncreated world. Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” [The Republic] places us in an underground cavern as a representation of the visible world. Men live chained, facing a wall on which a light located behind them casts shadows, believing that these appearances are real. When a captive frees himself from the chains and rises to the upper region, the sun's light overwhelms his eyes and blinds him. Slowly, his eyes adjust to the light and witness a superior world, the reality as it is. If the freed prisoner attempted to bring the cave’s prisoners into the sunlight, they would probably kill him, as they would kill anyone who attempted to drag them out of the cave.

In Plato’s Allegory, the sunlight is the light of Hyperuranion, “the place beyond the heavens”, that is, the intelligible sphere, the First Cause of everything, “the source of what is beautiful and good in the universe.” Only what is immutable and eternal deserves the name of reality; everything that is subject to change and therefore has a beginning and an end is considered Maya or illusion. Nothing can come out of nowhere, and something that exists cannot become nothing. The human spirit never ceases to be, it is immortal. The Great Architect generates the cave, the illusion of change, chaining the Eternal human spirit in a material body that succumbs to disease, degenerates, and dies. 

“Non-being can never be; Being can never not be […] The presence that permeates the universe is imperishable, immutable, beyond what is and what is not: How could it disappear? […] You were never born; you will never die. You do not die when the body dies, you cannot lose the Being that you have always had. O Arjuna!, because for the one who is born, death is certain, and for the one who dies, it is rebirth.” [Bhagavad Gita 2:27] 

In the Upanishads it is written: “The self is all-encircling, resplendent, bodiless, spotless, without sinews, pure, untouched by sin, all-seeing, all-knowing, transcendent, self-existent; he has disposed of all things for eternal years.” The Orphic mysteries preached that the human soul comes from another world, but once immersed in matter, it loses the memory of its entire divine past and becomes chained to the Eternal Return (Metempsychosis or Samsara). As Philip K. Dick said, “our true origin is beyond the stars”. All human beings are born with an inner light that is not of this world, so salvation consists in releasing this divine spark of material chaining; the spiritual elevation to the Platonic World of Ideas, Nirvana, Olympus or Valhalla, that is, to the Spiritual World. “If eternal integrity does not err, you will return to Wuji (infinity)” [Tao Te Ching].

The Gospel of the Egyptians says that the Ultimate reality is the “unrevealed, unmarked, ageless, incompressible Father”. The Essenes, the ones who initiated Jesus of Nazareth, considered the Holy Spirit as the essence that unites the Sons of God (initiates) with the Heavenly Father. The Ascension Mystery is the return to the celestial origin; the spiritual liberation from matter. Only by practicing Dharma, the goodness that is born from the spirit, and with total detachment from the material world, the evils of Karma are transcended, and the prisoner gets free from the cave. Jesus said: “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness because you will have the light that leads to life.” [John 8:12]

A pure mind is a vessel of divine thoughts. You have the ability, through spiritual practices (yoga, meditation, prayer, fasting and so on and so forth), to see beyond this material world in which you live every day. It is possible to find joy and beauty. Walt Whitman wrote in Leaves of Grass: “I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell […] Do not let the evil and suffering in the world blind your eyes to the beauty that also exists. Beauty is the revealed Truth; therefore, it carries you directly to the Divine.”

The Secret Doctrine of Jesus Christ

Christ on the Cross, Eugène Delacroix.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32 

There is light in this world, but darkness is the rule. Evil presides over everything; goodness is just inertia, the exception of the rule. Most human beings are not inclined towards righteousness but toward corruption, illegality, and wrongdoing. The spiritual path is only reserved for a few. Jesus said to Judas Iscariot: “There is no person born human who deserves to enter the divine house because that place is reserved for the holy ones. Neither the Sun nor the Moon rule there, nor the day, but the saints will dwell there forever, in the eternal kingdom with the holy angels. There is a great and limitless realm, the extent of which has not been seen by any generation of angels, in which there is a great and invisible Spirit, never seen by the eyes of any angel.”

For the Gnostics, Christos descended from the Pleroma, the realm of Light, and brought humanity the light of Gnosis, the divine knowledge. Gnosis is the truth behind truths; a hidden treasure only revealed to those pure of heart. Gnosticism is not a religion, it does not have a bible or a set of rules or doctrines. It is foremost a spiritual practice. It reveals esoteric knowledge from the universe's deepest mysteries, which is beyond any Intellectual Understanding (Photismos). Christos told us: “the Kingdom of God is inside you” [Gospel of Thomas]. You will never find God in the Church, in the sacred texts nor the heights of a mountain, only within yourself: “When the waters of the light of Khristos flow through you, you become the Khristos”. Through realizing the perfection of the spirit, you have the power to rise to the levels of the Pleroma. 

“God resides inside of all man, but very few know how to find him” [Krishna Dhanvantari]An "Initiate" or “Son of God” is someone who has crossed the threshold of death and has returned from the Pleroma. They are often referred to as the Enlightened Ones, the twice-born, the born-again, or those born from above. They had developed the giving grace or Paraclete, the divine spark of “pure, unmeasurable light”. In Dzogchen, esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, it is known as Sambhogakaya, the body of non-material light. In Gnosticism, is called soma athanaton; the radiant body, resurrection body or immortal body. It has also been called as “the Philosopher’s Stone”.

Jesus was a thaumaturgist, a Gnostic Initiate, a “Son of God”. He could perform miracles and great wonders because the Essenes of Palestine had initiated him in their secret healing doctrine. Like his contemporary, the Greek Apollonius of Tyana, he manifested supernatural powers and miracles thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, endowed by his divine nature. Extraordinary spiritual powers, including healing and clairvoyant perception, evolve from sexual transmutation. The Saints of Christianism, the Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, the Hidden Imams of Shi’ism and the Immortal Xian of Taoism —all used the power dwelling in the vital seed to perform “miracles”. If one could retain these fluids for one's entire life, the body and spirit would not decay after death. This is the secret of secrets.

The Primordial Gnosis presents a somber vision of life; Jesus and other initiates seem to be rather pessimistic and have a poor opinion of mankind and the world. “There is no greater salvation than never being born in this World” (you probably know where this quote is from). Jesus of Nazareth wanted to free his spirit from this cruel, mundane existence and could only achieve it by death: “Whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life” [John 12:25]. According to the Gospel of Judas, Judas Iscariot was the only disciple who truly understood Jesus. Following his master’s orders, he handed him to the Sanhedrin, sealing the pact with a secret kiss. 

The Gnostic doctrine of Jesus Christ had provoked the wrath of the Pharisees, servants of Jehovah Satan, who condemned him to crucifixion. In the Gospel of John, Jesus spoke to them: “You are of your father the Devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me […] Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” [John 8:58]

From desire derives the attachment to existence. From attachment comes birth, old age and death, lamentation and pain. But if the first cause is removed, the entire chain of effects is destroyed, leaving the evil defeated.

— Siddharta Gautama Buddha

Catharism: The Forbidden Religion

Christ at Emmaus by Rembrandt, 1648.

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

Luke 12:2

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said: “the Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (Gnosis) and hidden them”. Jesus never founded any religion nor was his intention; it was Constantine who legalized and organized the Christian religion by the Edits of Milan in 313 AD, to unify Rome under a single religion. Constantine, along with the bishops, decided which Gospels were going to be approved in the New Testament. All other gospels, such as the Gnostic gospels, were immediately considered heresy and anyone who owned one was subject to death penalty. The Catholic Church, controlled from the beginning by the Rabbis of the Sanhedrin, deliberately censored all extra-canonical gospels because they taught that the human being does not need a priest or a Church, in other words, an intermediary between them and God. 

The Roman Catholic Church also considered the pre-Christian contents heretical by the "Theodosian decrees" (389-392 AD), destroying European paganism as a result. All pagan temples of Alexandria were burned or destroyed. There were over a million manuscripts in the Library, and 95% of the scrolls were lost. The wisdom, history, technology, science, philosophy, and knowledge of humanity were burned in 391 CE by orders of the Occult Power of the World. But while they managed to set fire to the Library of Alexandria, they could not destroy all pre-Christian writings existing throughout the world. The secret gnostic teachings were buried in the sands of Egypt and finally revealed after Nag Hammadi's discoveries in 1945. Today Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical Churches continue to repress Gnosticism and pretend the Gnostic Gospels of the Nag Hammadi Library are not worth reading. Despite their efforts to suppress it, Gnostic Christianity is being rediscovered and adopted once again.

We cannot talk about the hidden, authentic roots of Christianity without mentioning Catharism; a Gnostic dualistic movement of the twelfth century, more related to the secret and original teachings of Jesus Christ than the Catholic Church. The Cathars, or Good Christians, were the spiritual descendants of the Essenes, the ones who initiated Jesus, and therefore taught what Christ himself taught to his disciples. They arose mainly in southern France (Provence), and also combined elements of Eastern and Western traditions; Manichaeanism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. 

Central to the Cathar creed was the opposition of the material world to that of the spirit, a battle between good (Light or God) and evil (Darkness or Satan). The Cathars denounced this world as hell and considered the deeds of the Old Testament as the work of the Devil. For them, the exhortation of Genesis: “Increase and multiply”, could not come from a good God. Fertility was viewed with suspicion, and marriage was condemned. According to Cathar beliefs, the human body had an evil origin; mankind needed to practice asceticism to achieve purification in order to liberate his spirit from Jahovah-Satan’s hellish world (the term Cathar comes from the Greek word kataró, which means pure or purified). 

Contrary to the Catholic Church, the Cathars denied Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection since the spirit, the divine spark, is eternal and ethereal. They also reject the sacraments, the Holy Trinity, the Cross and all the ceremonies of Catholic worship. The Cathars practiced instead a ritual of purification known as the Consolamentum. Those who passed this ritual were called Parfaits (pure ones) and could access the secret Gnosis. When they reached this state they had to keep themselves pure, leading a rigorous, stoic, hard life of fasting and celibacy. For this reason, it was only accessible to a few, the so-called Good Christians. Every person who did not access the state of purification through the Consolamentum, had to reincarnate repeatedly.

The Laurel Prophecy

The Fall of Spirituality: the Albigensian Crusade.

From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kunti, never takes birth again.

Baghavad Gita 8:16

The Cathar Parfaits had an exemplary life, of simplicity and purification. In Montségur, in the caves of Ornolac (place of initiation), there is a dove carved out of the rock. The dove symbolises the Holy Spirit, the divine light that descends among righteous men. This suggests that Catharism was a religion of light, preaching a gospel of mercy, love and freedom, differing from the inquisitive Catholicism of that time. 

The Cathars assured publicly that the Catholic Church, represented by the Vatican, was a servant of the Devil (Yahweh-Satan). Beyond any other consideration, the hatred and fear of the Catholic Church towards Gnosticism would lead to the total annihilation of the Cathar Heresy. As the papal legates failed all attempts of converting the Parfaits, in 1209, Pope ‘Innocent’ III (1198-1216) launched a bloody persecution against them, known as the Albigensian Crusade.

One of whose most brutal and tragic episodes would be the fall of the fortress of Montsegur. The brave Cathari resisted there for six months, but on the night of March 1244, Montségur surrendered. 205 Cathars marched down the mountain, singing into the large bonfires awaiting them. A memorial solar cross silently testifies to their martyrdom. The order of the papal envoy was: “Kill them all, ‘God’ will recognize his own”. More than twenty thousand people; mothers, children and elderly, died in unspeakable holocausts. Today they rest in the prat deis cremats.

It is notable that, after the fall of the fortification in 1224, the Zionist Inquisition incessantly asked the few Cathars who survived, interrogated under torture, about a treasure that the castle kept. Coins and sacred objects left behind by the Cathars were distributed to the conquerors, but according to Inquisition records, the real treasure vanished the night before the capitulation. Does speculation still exist about the nature of the treasure: Sacred books, the Graal Stone, the Grail Cup? The answer remains a mystery.

Tragic was the fate of the Cathars. On the morning of 21st August 1321, Guillaume Belibaste, the last known Parfait, was executed at stake. While burning in the bonfire, he shouted: “After 700 years, the Laurel will become green again on the ashes of the martyrs!” Those words were spoken 700 years ago. 2021 was the fulfilment of the prophecy! We currently see the slow but ineluctable awakening of human consciousness. Sometimes as a trumpet blow, sometimes more discretely. We are gradually witnessing the greening of the laurel! 

The National Socialist religion

The Gnostic Gospels of Nag Hammadi were discovered months after the defeat of Nazi germany, december 1945. These gospels were kept hidden for two millenia!

The Jews fraudulently introduced Christianity into the ancient world —in order to ruin it.

Hitler's Table Talk

The tragedy of Catharism was the fulcrum from which Alfred Rosenberg, a great ideologist of National Socialism, launched his attack on the Catholic Church and the power behind it, Zionism. In his work “The Myth of the Twentieth Century”, he refers Catholicism (Judeo-Christianity) on many occasions as corrupting true Christianity, that is, Catharism, and the message of the True God of the spirit. Rosenberg promoted Positivist Christianity, related to the Gnostic heresy of Marcion. National Socialist Christianity rejected the Old Testament and represented Jesus Christ as an Aryan hero, a gentile martyr who denounced the Jews as sons of the Devil Demiurge. The ‘Chosen People’ ended up murdering him, following the dictates of their own criminal nature. Hitler reiterated those beliefs by saying: “The Jew is the creature of a lesser god”.

Like the Cathars and Gnostics, Adolf Hitler was known for his severely ascetic lifestyle, willingly rejecting material pleasures and physical appetites, and had a vegetarian diet, all classical elements of “spiritual purification.” Hitler was indeed a Parfait, an initiate of the “secret gnostic doctrine”; he had extensive knowledge and understanding about Schopenhauer, Buddha, Plato and Jesus Christ. (He shares with them the INFJ personality traits.)

The Führer was considered a spiritual and charismatic leader, the priest of the new Germanic faith. National Socialism was not properly a political movement but a religion. The rituals of the SS and the bombastic military parades give evidence of this, in the savior figure of the Führer himself, in the devotion and infinite obedience of his followers. The “Hakenkreutz” that Hitler adopted as his movement’s symbol is properly a solar symbol that has its origin in pre-Christian Indo-European beliefs.

Hitler wanted to strip Christianity of all Jewish traits and infuse it with Indo-European elements, a “religion according to the Aryan race”. It was based on the blood’s myth, ancient Germanic gods' cult, and heroic values (Asatru). This new spiritual movement followed a long-term plan to de-Christianize Germany to gradually reversed the centuries-old process of evangelization, using exactly the same method that the Catholic Church used against European paganism through religious syncretism and in this way, return Europeans to their original Pagan-Hyperborean traditions. Positivist Christianity, a ‘Nietzschean’ approach to Catharism, was the first step to achieving it. 

Will denying life, as the Gnostic tradition does, make it any better? Nietzsche clearly thought otherwise. Catharism is spiritually aligned with the Hyperborean Aryan Gnosis of the Third Reich; but distinguishing the latter in an attitude that is not a mere resignation or an escape from Jehovah's prison-cave world, but an ethos of permanent struggle; a vitalist approach of life; a genuine spiritual struggle against the powers that dominate this world: “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering” [Nietzsche].

Who does not have, from the bottom of his heart, as long as he can still think with his blood, a deep and haunting sense of shame, when an image of Jesus crucified crosses your path? The Gods of our ancestors were different; they were warriors, and each one had a weapon in his hand, symbolizing the attitude towards life that is inherent in our race: that of courage. How different is the Christ crucified, who expresses —by his resolute condition of suffering, humility and extreme surrender— qualities that contradict the heroic attitude of Wotan.

Alfred Rosenberg, The Myth of the Twentieth Century


