The Gates of Argonath, LOTR film trilogy. The ruins of a more glorious antiquity. In the fictional history of JRR Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, there is an overriding entropy, each Age is less mythic and more mundane.

The Ages of Mankind

Let us look one another in the face. We are Hyperboreans —we know well enough how much out of the way we live. ‘Neither by land nor by water will you find the road to the Hyperboreans’ […] Beyond the north, ice, and death— our life, our happiness.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

The basis of Hyperborean Wisdom is the idea of history as degradation, the physical, mental and spiritual entropy of mankind. According to the racialist vision —contained in the work of authors such as HP Blavatsky, JRR Tolkien, Julius Évola, and Miguel Serrano— humanity would not evolve towards perfection, but would descend from a superior or divine nature leading to the current decadent situation we find ourselves in. “We do not know,” says the Count de Gobineau, “if man is descended from the ape; what we do know is that his evolution progresses towards the ape.” 

The Involutionist Hyperborean thesis is a radical antithesis of the Darwinian evolutionist theory. In the mythical Golden Age described by Hesiod (satya-yuga for the Hindus), humanity was pure and immortal; they had an idyllic and happy life, in harmony with the Right Order of Cosmos. The primordial divine humanity moved away from their mystical homeland, Hyperborea, losing their pure spirituality, and falling into a progressive animality of the Iron Age (the Kali-Yuga), the present times, the most heinous and unhappy era. 

In “An Essay on the Inequality of Human Races” Arthur de Gobineau explains: “the history of humanity is the history of the degeneration of the culture-creating races by mixing with other minor races.” The Aryan race would no longer exist in its pure state due to the bastardization that it has suffered for about the last two thousand years (Entnordung). Richard Wagner also embraced this ideological conception: “The noblest human race, the Aryan race, degenerates only, but infallibly, because being less numerous than the other races, it is forced to mix with them, and what it loses by adultery is not compensated by what the others gain by ennoblement” (The term Aryan is taken from the Sanskrit and Avestan word arya, means “pure or noble”).

At the base of the Ariosophic thought lies the nostalgia for the Aryan’s divine origin, in the sense of “the fall” of their original purity (the Golden Age) as an effect of sin (mixing with other races). The Indo-Germanic race would manifest a link to the pure or divine spirituality through the Vril, the blood’s remembrance, the Promethean treasure that allowed them to create civilizations throughout the ages. In order to regenerate the world, Racial Eugenics was necessary. Only in this way will it be possible to the Aryans to return to the Golden Age, living in perfect communion with its true divine roots.

The Eternal Battle of Darkness and Light

Devas and Asuras battlefield; the eternal struggle between good and evil; gods and demons.

Nor do we know which is better—conquering them or being conquered by them. The sons of Dhåtaräñöra, whom if we killed we should not care to live, are now standing before us on this battlefield.

Bhagavad Gita [2:6]

Humanity’s history has to be understood as an eternal struggle between two antagonistic and irreconcilable poles, the light-darkness dualism, represented by two races always at odds. On the one hand, the luminous forces of life, the creative impulse, are represented by the hyperborean divine races. On the other hand, the dark forces of death, decay, destruction and chaos; represented by the telluric races. Ancient writings tell us about this primal and metaphysical war; represented by relatives of the same blood, the Æsir versus the Vanir, or the legendary warlike conflict of the Pandavas and the Kauravas narrated in the epic Hindu poem Bhagavad Gita (a book that Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS, carried with him at all times).

According to the Ariosophic point of view, the White Race was the divine lineage, the true Chosen People of the true God, the Creative and civilizing force on Earth, that the Jew intends to destroy and usurp. The Jew, the antipode of the Aryan, corrupt and parasites any civilization that hosts them. In 1913 Sebottendorff, affiliated with the Bavarian Lodge of the Germanenorden, wrote: “History teaches us that while the Aryan builds, the Jew destroys”. J. R. R. Tolkien wrote: “Evil cannot create anything new; they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made”.

The Germanenorden sought the original Aryan culture to counterpose it to destructive Jewish influence, which they saw as the greatest threat. On August 18, 1918, the Germanenorden officially changed its name to the Thule-Gesellschaft. In this context, Thule, the capital of the mythical Hyperborea, considered the area of origin of the Aryan civilization, symbolized the return to the Golden Age. Among the guests of the Thule Society we find figures who were to play a key role in the National Socialist Party, such as Alfred Rosenberg, the future minister of culture, Gottfried Feder, the founder of the new economy of the Third Reich, and Dietrich Eckart, Adolf Hitler's spiritual mentor. 

In The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler identified certain uniform laws of the eventual collapse of Western civilization: “Just as a tree or a man grows old, then, necessarily, they die, in the same way, civilization must grow old and disappear”. Faced with this pessimistic view of history, the National Socialists would fight and do everything possible to overcome the social entropy, for which they the strict implementation of Rassenhygiene (Eugenics). According to National Socialism, spiritual purity was being preserved by taking action against racial mixing, and thus human degradation was being reversed. Recovering the racial purity of the Germanic people was equivalent to recovering the spiritual character of the first Aryans, reestablishing the Hyperborean Age. 

The International Synarchy stipulates the White Race's gradual extermination through mass migration, forced miscegenation, low birth rates, and socioeconomic measures. Hitler and the NSDAP aimed to reverse this process by declaring total war against Judaism, conceived as a prevailing manifestation of evil on Earth, a spiritually destructive and demonic force. World War II was a battle where the two races, the metaphysical forces of good and evil, struggled to forge a World Order according to their respective aspirations. The triumph of one or the other will determine the cultural, economic, and political world we currently live in. Hitler would say, referring to the Jews: “about the struggle that takes place between them and us, only the fate of the world is at stake.”

The Cult of Moloch

King Ahaz sacrifices his son to Moloch, by Rombout Van Troyan. The families of Carthage were obeyed to offer their firstborn child to be sacrificed in the ‘mouth of Moloch’.

We Jews, we are the destroyers and we will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own. A God-world which is not in your nature to built.

― Maurice Samuel

According to Hyperborean Wisdom, this material world is dominated by the ancient forces of darkness, the shadow archetype of the Collective Unconscious. They are currently represented by an anti-race of corrupt and materialistic men, followers of the Demiurge YHWH-Satan, the Master of the Cave in which the souls of men have been chained. The guardians of this prison-cave are the Secret Societies that dominate the world through crime, usury, speculation and money fiat value. The Demiurge has had numerous servants throughout time, such as those sacrificing priests of ancient Carthage; the Druids; Judeo-Christianity, the Templars; Freemasonry; Liberalism; Marxism, Capitalism, and Democracy. Their historical mission has been to consummate the “Messianic Plan” of world Jewish domination. 

Jehovah (Moloch) sealed a covenant with his “Chosen People” and created for their service his “holy” nation, Israel; as “Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether”. Once installed in Palestine, the Jew sacrificed the firstborn in his particular cult to Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom, southeast of Jerusalem [Kings 11:7]. The Demiurge has protected them and continues to protect them, as long as they provide its food, and bloody ritual crimes (Purim). There are countless proven historical cases of Jews that had used Greek and Christian children (saints) in ritual crimes (blood ‘libels’). Political murders, such as that of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family, or the death of Charles Lindbergh’s son, had traces of Ritual Crime. There are hidden reports that at the Nürenberg Trial, the victims suffered some type of Kabbalistic ritual sacrifice. 

YHWH-Moloch appreciates as “pleasant” the offering by holocaust (of fire) of the innocent. The urns of kids sacrificed found only in the Carthaginian cemetery of Tophet are estimated at more than 20,000. Plutarch reported that: “the entire area in front of the statue was impregnated with a loud noise of flutes and drums so that the cries of the laments did not reach the ears of the people.” High-grade Freemasons secretly worship a demonic God, known as Jahbulon, a word made up of pagan entities Jah (Jehovah) Bu (Baal) and On (Osiris). In the book “Frabatus the Magician”, Freemason Franz Bardon explicitly denounces the practice of human sacrifices in Masonic lodges. Those who have discovered these ritual crimes have been left in horror. Some of this would have happened to Mozart. These kinds of practices are not known by Low-Grade Freemasons. 

The Jews considered the star of double triangles, with six points, as a talisman of "powerful efficacy", used by Solomon in the temple of Moloch. It is related to the ancient cult of Saturn, the black cube, and the hermetic axiom “as above so below”, the spiritual and material power (seal or sigil) of the Synarchy. It also represents 666 or number of the Beast, the Antichrist or Messiah. Another symbol is the five-pointed star, the tetragrammaton “יהוה”, the representation of Yahwe, the “great work” of the “Great Architect”. Both symbols have been used since time immemorial in Egyptian magic, Babylonian astrology, the Hebrew Kabbalah, and Phoenician rituals. 

The Hyperborean Gnosis

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell […] One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” - Carl G. Jung.

O Arjuna, get up and fight! Fight to fight, regardless of happiness or suffering, loss or gain, victory or defeat, and in doing so, you will never incur sin […] The performers of heroic sacrifice, having tasted the nectar of the results of sacrifices, advance towards the supreme eternal.

Bhagavad Gita [2:38-4:30] 

In the Manichaean-racial statement of the Hyperborean Gnosis, the noble Aryan race stands against the Jewish forces of evil. The material forces of the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan are faced by the Hyperborean spirit of Earendel or Khristos-Lucifer, the liberator god. In the biblical myth of creation myth, Jehovah chained Adam, the primordial being, and Eve, the source of life, in his material world. Through the fruit forbidden by Jehovah, Lucifer (the Bearer of Light) reveals to them the Gnosis, the spiritual knowledge of their eternal nature. Jehovah then condemns them to live in a lower world, full of misery and suffering, to prevent them from also eating the fruit of the Tree of Life and achieve inmortallity: “Man should not be allowed to extend his hand from him and also take from the Tree of Life, eat and live forever” [Genesis 3:22].

This material world is Maya (illusion), a bad copy of the Divine Hyperborean World. The Demiurge (and its chosen people) always plagiarize, falsify, corrupt the divine knowledge. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a plagiarism of Yggdrasil, the Nordic Tree of Life. In Germanic mythology, Yggdrasil is an immense World Tree, and around the tree exists the Nine Worlds. Wotan hangs (crucifies) nine days and nine nights in the Yggdrasil, pierced by his own spear. After crossing the limits of death, he reaches the other world, the world of the Gods, from where he manages to recover the Runes, the lost sacred knowledge. Like Jesus and Buddha, Wotan revealed the Gnosis to mankind, the means to free ourselves from the labyrinth of illusion. Wotan is the archetype of wisdom and self-sacrifice, the Fire-giver Prometheus, and the Light-bearer Khristos. He is related to the Bodhisattva, Khrisna, Thot, Vishnu, Kukulcan, Viracocha, Apollo, and Hermes, among others.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna mentions to Arjuna: “The world is chained to karma unless it is performed in favor of sacrifice.” In the Indo-European religions, Only warriors who have fallen in battle achieve spiritual salvation. The blood of heroes reaches closer to the gods than the prayer of the saints. It is through the wound that the light enters, says Rumi. It is through self-sacrifice that one enters divinity. That is, you can never save only yourself; to get free from this world, you must save others; this is the ultimate paradox of the labyrinth. 

Salvation is not for everyone. The Garden of the Hesperides, the one that gives the fruit of immortality, lies only for those who deserve it; “beyond the north, the ice, death — our life, our happiness” [Nietzsche].  

The Hyperborean Gnosis, however, does not refer to an attitude of escape from Jehovah’s evil world but of sacrifice, rebellion and combat. According to Miguel Serrano, that is why we were born into this world; to fight for redemption, not to escape from a hopeless Universe; but to prevent corruption from spreading further, to reverse the entropy; “This was the Idealism of the SS, that of Hitler and National Socialism. They believed that it was possible to revive the Yuga of Heroes and rebuild Thule, defeat the Enemy and return to the true Golden Age of the First Hyperborea […] The Heroes who die fighting for the just cause will return to Valhalla by the Valkyries and achieve eternity.” 

Adolf Hitler and the Swastika

The swastika is considered the oldest symbol of Humanity. Carl Jung used the theory of the collective unconscious to explain its presence in places so distant in time and space throughout history.

The Hitler movement literally brought the whole of Germany to its feet, from five-year-olds to veterans, and produced a spectacle of a nation migrating from one place to another. Wotan the wanderer was on the move. He could be seen, looking rather shamefaced, in the meeting-house of a sect of simple folk in North Germany, disguised as Christ sitting on a white horse.

Essay on Wotan, by Carl G. Jung

In 1918, during his life as a student, Joseph Goebbels began a novel called Michael about a young hero who combines the occupations of soldier, poet, lover, patriot and revolutionary. The new savior emerges from the depths of despair of the German people and awakes a new hope for the pitiable plight of Germany by the Jews, whose “intellect has poisoned our people”. In such a manner, Goebbels, influenced by the collective unconscious, anticipated the rise and fate of Adolf Hitler. In his diary, he wrote, “I thank fate that there is such a man! [...] I recognize him as my leader quite unconditionally [...] He is so deep and mystical. He knows how to express infinite truth [...] He seems like a prophet of old. On top of it all, his overwhelming personality [...] With such a man, one can conquer the world. I could not bear to have to doubt this man. Germany will live. Heil Hitler!”

During his lifetime, Hitler was seen as a savior, the incarnation of an Avatar, the embodiment of Wotan, the German god of wisdom and war. He was also seen as the personification of Parsifal, the Wagnerian hero who came to save the Aryan Race by restoring its spiritual state and glory. Through him, the spirit of Wotan came to manifest itself in the soul of the entire Germanvolk. Hitler, like other notable individuals, knew how to unleash the mental and psychic resources of the collective unconscious, hitherto wasted, allowing the Nazi movement to gain more and more strength until it became the only power in Germany. He knew how to use all these mystical elements to establish himself as Führer of the German people.

An idealistic ariosophic philosophy, and a patriotic völkisch (popular) emotion, was chanelled in a vigorous, enthusiastic and overflowing manifestation of the Pagan archetype. In an essay written in 1936 under the title “Wotan”, Carl Jung equates German National Socialism with the manifestation in the collective consciousness of the Germanic god archetype. Jung points out that Wotan’s power enchanted the German Volk (People), through Adolf Hitler’s ‘magnetic influence’; “The striking aspect of the German phenomenon is the fact that one man, who is obviously possessed, has managed to infect an entire nation and set everyone and everything in perpetual motion...” 

In 1920, the Swastika was adopted by Hitler as the symbol of his political movement; to show the strength and unity of the 'Aryan race'. Years before, the Thule-Gesellschaft had claimed the Swastika as the symbol of the legendary Nordic homeland and the solar wotanical religiosity. In the flag of National Socialism, drawn by Hitler himself, the right-facing Swastika relates the circle and the square, becoming the revelation of squaring the circle. Its centrifugal and evolutionary movement represents the spiritual power to transcend Maya, the illusion of the Great Architect; the liberation from time; the return to the past, to the divine origin; Hyperborea. 

The new religion arisen in Germany, the Weltanschauung, substituted the Christian Cross for the Swastika. It sought to bring every aspect of the Germanic way of life into a direct relationship with the divine. Under the symbol of the “Sun Wheel” or “Four-Armed Swastika”, the new caste of Hyperborean Initiates prepared the Aryan Race for the merciless and inevitable battle against the forces of darkness. “The army we have formed is growing from day to day,” shouted Hitler. “I nourish the proud hope that one day the hour will come when these rough companies will grow into battalions, the battalions to regiments, the regiments to divisions, that the old cockade will be taken from the mud, that the old flags will wave again, that there will be a reconciliation at the last great divine judgement which we are prepared to face.”

Ragnarök; the Final Battle

Franz Von Stuck, Die Wilde Jagd ("The Wild Hunt"), 1889. In Germanic traditions is called Wildes Heer to the «Furious Army» of Wotan. According to the Hyperborean Wisdom, Wotan’s Army will take presence during the Final Battle, along with the White Race’s Great Leader.

The material world is pure appearance, pure illusion, pure phenomenon, pure evolutionary process, pure contingency and accident. Only one thing exists; which is timeless, uniform, and unchanging. For the Eternal Spirit, the World IT IS NOT, IT DOES NOT EXIST. But the Demiurge DOES EXIST and against him the Final Battle will be waged for the return to the Origin, for the recovery of the “primordial state”.

Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom, by Nimrod de Rosario

Faced with the Judeo-Christian ideal focused on Jerusalem, the National Socialists pointed towards the north: Hyperborea. During a short but intense period of time, the Greater German Reich achievements were incredibly audacious in all fields of science, society, culture and human development. Its manifestation on Earth was so luminous and radiant that the demon of the world, Jehovah-Satan, jealous and fearful, had to gather and mobilize all his agents (freemasonry, communism-capitalism) to prevent the spiritual triumph of the Aryan race. The “allied” terrorist attacks in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were Fire Holocausts, mass ritual crimes of terror; a great Black Magic operation to prevent the success of the New Yuga of Heroes. The Demiurge ‘devoured’ the sacrificial victims' and guaranteed the ‘Chosen people’ victory. 

A Dantesque and apocalyptic battle took place in Berlin at the end of the War. Its defenders were no longer fighting for the material Reich anymore, but for something beyond all: their heroic and spiritual legacy in an essential war. There was no capitulation but combat to the death until the End. Nobody wanted to survive the Reich; the warriors knew that without the Führer, the world would become a place of misery and decay. May 8, 1945, was the day chosen to complete their Transit to Eternity, “beyond ice and death”. 

The fall of the Third Reich has been the most catastrophic event in human history, a thousand times worse than the fall of Atlantis. After the ‘victory’ of 1945, came the progressive decline of all nations of the world. It was the beginning of the reign of materialism, fierce capitalism, consumerism, hedonism, crime, miscegenation, drugs, sexual degeneration, corruption, pollution, the increase in suicide rates, hunger, death, and the destruction of all Identities and Traditions. The world of today is heading to an imminent collapse without people knowing who pulls the strings of cultural subversion. 

The global secret power, that is, the international Jew, has extorted and enslaved the West, directing a perverse plan aimed at producing the subhuman, the eternal slave race, through the genocide of White People. At the final stage of the Kali Yuga or Dark Age, that is, the beginning of the Messianic Times, the non-white races of the Earth will have devoured the corpse of what was once the great Atlantean-Hyperborean civilization.

All Indo-European myths predict that at the end of times, the forces of evil and chaos will outnumber and defeat the divine, leading to mankind's destruction. In the final battle, evil was predestined to win, and the entirety of creation was meant to be destroyed. The only bright factor in this deeply depressing point of view was the belief that, despite everything, if one could die in a brave and heroic way, then everything else faded into insignificance. 

At the end of the current Kali Yuga, once the world has completely fallen and all is lost, Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu, will descend atop a white horse, brandishing a sword and leading a great army to destroy evil, restoring Dharma and end the Messianic Empire of corruption. In the Norse myth of Ragnarök, the faithful warriors dedicated to Wotan will march forth to the Final battle. It is also known as Pralaya, the last Great War, greater than the Mahabharata, since it marks the End of Times. With all traces of the ancient world finally destroyed, a new spiritual humanity will be reborn from the ashes. The New Golden Age will begin at the moment “Baldr returns from the dead.” 

Immortality is conditioned. It is not for everyone. You have to win it in inclement combat of all the hours of the days of this world. It must be invented, recreated, without the help of any God; against God, against Gods and men, in the opposite direction to the current of the River of the Times of Kali Yuga.

The Book of Resurrection, by Miguel Serrano


