Hyperborean History & Politics
Olympus, by Conar Cross.
All sacred texts and mythologies of all races describe an eternal conflict between the material and the spiritual world, a metaphysical war of two irreconcilable sides of Gods or ‘Æons’ (myths that have been distorted and misrepresented by the universal synarchy). According to the Hyperborean Wisdom, at the Arkhé, the beginning of Creation, the traitorous Siddhas allied with the Demiurge YHWH-Satan and its evolutionary plan. These demons (Archons) received the Kabbalah, the Kalachakra key’s science; wisdom with which they founded their cursed city: Chang Shambala.
Through this betrayal, the Mystery of L-ove (Minne), the eternal spirits were chained to the microcosm, subjecting us to the suffering of karma, to Metempsychosis, the eternal return (Aion). With the sciences based on the Kabbalah, the treacherous Siddhas of Shamballa have sustained the illusion of matter (Maya) and established the animal-man’s temporal “evolution”, the gradual descent of the divine spirit into the material abyss, preventing their liberation (Aletheia).
The God of the Eternal spoke out against this evolutionary plan and sent the gallant Venus Lord, Earendel or Khristos Lucifer, to wage a rebellion. With him descended his eternal warriors, the loyal Siddhas. These celestial beings (Luminaries) opened the Door of Venus (which had been closed by the traitorous Siddhas after founding Chang Shambala) and entered the created order. There was a cosmic confrontation, a legendary fight, and Earendel loses. In this cosmic contest, the angels ‘fell from Paradise’ to Earth and were chained to material bodies. They will become the ancestors of the Hyperborean root-race.
Lucifer (Apollo) will be remembered as the “fallen angel” and his loyal hosts will live trapped in “hell”, the world of matter. The White Gods, trying to help their semi-divine children, created Agartha through their runic sciences. Agartha (Olympus or Valhalla) is a divine city, a spiritual kingdom situated between the created and the uncreated, far from the reach of time, from which the loyal Siddhas of Agartha try to rescue their own kin from the prison of matter. As beings of light, they teach humanity how to achieve Gnosis.
Faith: Alameen - by Leon Tukker.
The ancient Germanic legends, the Norse sagas and the Hindu Vedas teach, through mythology that sometimes seems convoluted, the origin of humanity and the gods. Thousands of years ago a race of semi-divine giants, the Hyperboreans or Æons, “those who came from Venus” after the tragic process of the Fall, descended from the sky and settled in the furthest North polar, where the summer sun never sets; “beyond the seas and the fortunate islands, beyond the ice and death.”
The tradition of Greece and Rome, Celts, Vikings, Germans, tells us about the existence of Hyperborea and its capital Thule, the original homeland of the Aryans. Hyperborea was a mystical land freed from the time of the world, a true Paradise; an island surrounded by “high mountains transparent as diamonds.” However, it would not have been a country dominated by ice: “in the interior of the country there was a sweet heat in which a verdant vegetation was perfectly acclimatized”.
Hyperborea was the polar center of civilization and spirituality of the Golden Age. Pindar, a contemporary of Herodotus, described the otherworldly perfection of the Hyperboreans: “Neither disease nor bitter old age is mixed in their sacred blood; far from labor and battle they live.” In that ancient, idyllic world there was a perfect communion between gods and men. They shared with them the golden cup of ambrosia, a sacred brew that provided Aryans with eternal youth (the word “Aryan” means “born twice” or “enlightened”).
The Aryan-Hyperborean race lived in the highest state of purity, beauty, and wisdom. But after a series of climatic catastrophes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that occurred around 12,000 BC, winters followed without summers, and the Polar Homeland was covered and buried by ice. Hyperborea disappeared, and that eternal arctic spring gave way to a cold and uninhabitable climate. The Hyperboreans set out towards the Southern lands of the Earth, leaving the Polar Paradise.
Atlantis, by Oliver Beck.
The myth of Atlantis carries a mystery, a story that is lost in the mists of time. In the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, Plato affirms that “the golden race”, which Ariosophists identified as the Hyperborean, had founded Atlantis. In the beginning, Atlantis was a perfect kingdom; a utopic empire of beauty and justice. Plato extensively describes to us the wonders of a tiered city-continent, with its network of canals, its enormous temples and its system of government directed by the priest-kings through laws dictated by the gods. In the city's foreground, there was a statue of Poseidon or Neptune, king of the seas, armed with his trident.
Atlantis reached heights of social and technological perfection in which science, education and the arts were fostered with great care and integrity. The Atlanteans had mastery over forces of nature and techniques superior to those of our current science, cutting-edge weapons, motorized vehicles, rockets, and even spacecraft. Their technological might had been used in a civil war, and this would have dragged them into an inconceivable cataclysm. The tragedy that befell the mythical island was due to its scientific development running ahead of its moral decadence.
The Atlantean civilization was ruled by the White Atlanteans, kings bound by blood to the Hyperborean warrior caste who had sworn to defend and free the eternal spirits enchained. The Swarthy Atlanteans, the priestly caste, in charge of religious rites, realized that Chang Shambalah’s strategies were practically impossible to stop, and allied themselves with the traitorous Siddhas. This division of sides generated a warlike conflict that resulted in a nuclear war, which brought on the terrific inundation that caused Atlantis to sink into the sea.
Atlantis downfall occurred in a single night, and Plato tells us it was mainly caused due to racial decadence and miscegenation. Rulers passed down their wisdom through generations in the form of a kind of ‘blood memory’ from which regal judgments could be made. However, the divine component of the White Atlanteans was gradually exhausted, the animal component predominated, thus losing their creative, intellectual and physical capacity: “For many generations, as long as the nature of the gods was strong enough, they obeyed the laws and were well disposed towards the divine related to them. But when the divine part was exhausted in them because it had mixed many times with many mortals and the human character predominated, they could no longer bear the circumstances that surrounded them and were perverted. They believed then that they were the most perfect and happy, because they were full of unjust pride and power.”
The Blood Pact
Baalbek, ruins of the temple of Baccus, by David Robert (1840). Baalbec megaliths are considered the archaeologist's nightmare.
After the cataclysm of Atlantis (between 6,000 or 5,000 years BC), the Siddhas of Agartha and the White Atlanteans sealed a Blood Pact with Cro-Magnon around Europe. Their purpose was to combat the strategies of the Cultural Pact (between the Swarthy Atlanteans and the traitorous Siddhas). They were instructed in the mystery of the Birds’ Language (runic science) and the Living Stone’s secret (megalithic art). Above all, they were taught to respect and protect the purity of their blood. In this way the best qualities of the race were developed, and thus the refinement of the Aryan peoples progressed. The peoples who survived The Flood settled in all parts of Europe and eventually migrated to Asia, into the area of the Gobi Desert and from thence to the heights of the Himalaya in Tibet. A large majority settled in India.
The Cro-Magnon, “the race of megalith builders”, erected large stone temples to channel telluric-solar energies. The megaliths, strategically located at geodesic points on Earth, acted as places of secret initiatic mysteries. Its constructive techniques, which remain unknown today, were based on a superior science, Hyperborean Physics, perfectly handled by the White Atlanteans. The stones could be moved once their mass’s atomic weight was neutralized without canceling their potential energy. This made it possible to use its kinetic energy and slide (“levitate”) the stone without great effort. That’s the secret building technique behind Stonehenge and other megaliths throughout Europe. This lithic science was “lost” with the disappearance of the Tartessians.
All over the world, we can find remains of megalithic constructions of unprecedented and enormous proportions. For example, the Baalbek platform in present-day Lebanon. Neither folklore nor science is able to adequately explain the mystery of the Baalbek platform, which modern technological capabilities are far from being able to emulate. It is a feat of ancient hyperborean engineering, the work of semi-gods or “superhumans.” We might think that “blocks of these dimensions had to be carved and put there by giants or by members of a civilization that knew the secrets of levitation and antigravity”, as suggested by Maurece Chatelain.
At the beginning of the Iron Age, the White Atlanteans, after fulfilling their mission (signing their Blood Pact with Cro-Magnon of Europe), returned to Agartha through the Boreal Gate or Thule Gate; guarded by the Nordic peoples. They would fulfil the mission entrusted until the Celtic invasions, guided by Golem Druids, dislodged them, and they were left waiting in northern Europe for more than two thousand years. The Celtic tribes (the first people or race of the White Betrayal), and their Druid Priests would close the Thule Gate in Britain. However, they could not close the North Polar Gate leading to Agartha.
Ancient Greece
Reconstruction of the Acropolis, including the Parthenon. Leo von Klenze, 1846.
The Traitorous Siddhas aim to establish a theocratic World Government, led by the Golem Priests, the Cultural Pact controllers. For this, they must destroy the races of the Blood Pact, and permanently erase their Eternal Symbols and Temples. In order to prevent these plans, the White Atlanteans entrusted the Blood Pact peoples to institute a racial and cultural bastion known as the Atlantean-Mediterranean Wall. The descendants from the Hyperborean Aryans (Pelasgians, Achaeans, Dorian-Spartans, Ionian-Athenians, Etruscans, Ligurians, Iberians, Tartesians, Latins, Romans) constituted a spiritual wall (Enclosure Principle) that surrounded Europe from the Semitic myths of the Cultural Pact and its invasion strategies for over two thousand years. Their cultures protected the Mystery of Blood and Soil and lived in a virile, aristocratic and warrior ethic way.
The Greco-Persian wars in Ancient History had been one of the greatest armed conflicts between the Cultural Pact and the Blood Pact. In the First Persian War, the Battle of Marathon took place. In the Second Persian War, the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Salamis took place. Athenians and Spartans heroically fulfilled the mission entrusted by the Siddhas of Agartha.
Alexander the Great, Apollo-Lucifer’s incarnation, would never forgive the Persians for having outraged the holy Hellenic city of Athens and its Hyperborean Temples. He would devastate and conquer all the allied peoples against Greece; Anatolia, Syria, Phenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, as well as the traitorous Thebes. He led the first action of Total War against the priests of the Cultural Pact. In northern India, he encountered opposition from the Brahmins, Golem priests, who would not engage in battle, but did not hesitate to sacrifice their peoples. The sword of Apollo would slaughter thousands. Even the cursed city of the traitorous Gods, Chang Shambala, would have been attacked, but Alexander, the Great, suffered some of his generals’ betrayal. His unexpected death prevented the Kali Yuga’s geography from being fully conquered.
The Roman Empire
The Course of Empire: Destruction, by Thomas Cole.
The historical culmination in the Ancient Age was the Roman Empire, which assumed the Atlantean Mediterranean wall’s leadership, once the war action of Alexander the Great had ended (Punic Wars). Julius Caesar and Augustus were ruthless with the Celts in Gauls and Iberia’s conquests, specifically, with their Druid sacrificing priests. Nonetheless, it is known that Julius Caesar allied with the Egyptian Cultural Pact Druids and, as consequence, ended up assassinated. His successor, Emperor Augustus, Apollonian initiate, would be the one chosen by the gods of Agartha to transform the Republic into a Universal Empire; by conquering the enemies of Rome and establishing the Pax Romana.
In AD 43, the Roman legions marched to the extreme East and West: to the East, to close the gates of Shambala (conquest of the Hebrews and Egyptians), and to the West, to reopen the Northern gate to Agartha (entering the Gauls and Britain), which was closed by the Celtic Druids during the Bronze Age. The Praetorian legions will guard the Thule Gate for over 500 years. Hadrian’s Wall will be the construction that will affirm this action of war (Enclosure principle). This structure fulfilled a symbolic, metaphysical function of establishing a cultural and spiritual ethic in the Empire. The fire of Vesta Pyrena will burn perpetually for more than 500 years, illuminating the Gnostic path to the origin, the Hyperborean homeland. The Roman Salute reaffirmed the Imperium and indicated the Gnostic way (heroic ethos) that leads to Hyperborea.
The Romans belonged to the primordial Aryan or Indo-European root, and was perhaps the one that most consciously fought to shape the Hyperborean values in the world. The true value of Rome was to restore the noological-apollonian bridge; the warrior solar spirituality. The Roman Empire also revealed to the World the main Cultural Pact enemy; the Hebrew race and their pantheistic monotheism. The Demiurge transferred the Brahmin druids’ power to the Semitic peoples, granting them the power of the Kabbalah (the Kalachakra key), to use it to benefit their world domination plan. The descent of the Shekinah, of Metraton, only meant the renewal of the covenant originated by Moses, to whom were given the Tables of the Law (contained in the Ark of the Covenant).
The war between the Semitic peoples against the Romans was a metaphysical battle that would decide humanity’s fate. This war culminated when the future emperor Titus (Praetorian initiate), marched with his legions on Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple, closing Abraxas (Demiurge’s eye) on Mount Zion. The rabbis of the Sanhedrin, the Demiurge’s Chosen Ones, would never forgive the Hyperborean races for the Temple’s destruction, the place designated for the Imperial Messiah’s arrival (the Antichrist).
Thus was born the Sanhedrin’s new plan designed to culturally conquer and destroy the Hyperborean Races; the introduction of Judeo-Christianity in Europe. They managed to religiously mimic, copying and degrading the Hyperborean solar myths and the Greco-Roman mysteries (Delphi, Eleusis, Mitra, etc). They destroyed almost everything of European paganism, nothing remains of their true mythology, their initiation rites and ceremonies. But the Golem Priests would not be satisfied with the fall of the Roman Empire, because deep down, their intention has been to completely destroy the racial spirit of the Blood Pact.
To avoid the Cultural Pact intentions, the Siddhas of Agartha ordered the Scandinavian Viking races, custodians of the Boreal gate, the Germanic invasions of the 4th and 9th centuries. The Viking “barbarian” incursions, which would ravage all of Christian Europe, were intended to put an end to the Golen popes' influence in Europe. After the destruction of Irminsul by Charlemagne and the fall of the Germanic emperors in the Middle Ages, the destruction of the Manichaeans and the Cathars, the Hyperborean heretical sects; only some kings of the Ghibelline Blood Monarchies sustained the total fight against the dark forces of the Kali Yuga and the Universal Synarchy. This whole story is brilliantly narrated in the initiatory novel The Mystery of Belicena Villca.
The Napoleonic Empire
Liberty Leading the People, by Eugène Delacroix.
It is important to note that during the Roman Empire the practice of usury was condemned and this lasted in Europe for more than a thousand years. The first lenders were the Templars and certain groups of Guelph bankers in the service of the papacy. The Crusades in the ‘Holy Land’, promoted by Golem Popes, allowed the Templars to economically plunder all the kingdoms of Europe. The treacherous order was finally destroyed by the king of France Philip IV and with it, the absolute power of the Catholic Church ended. The surviving Templars ended up immigrating to England, where they founded Freemasonry, or taking refuge in Switzerland, the historical seat of the International Finance.
The Renaissance, characterized by a fascination for the Greco-Roman past, was the time when the essential war between the Blood Pact and the Cultural Pact would push occident to the spiritual disaster of the Modern Age. The legalization of usury, sponsored by Calvinism and the Protestant Church, was the strategy of the Traitorous Siddhas against the Pure Blood Monarchies and their Hyperborean ethics. The inevitable rise of the Capitalist Bourgeoisie would end up displacing Blood Aristocracy, and the Church itself, from positions of State.
The emerging Jewish financial power later moved from Europe to the United States of America. This would be the new ‘promised land’ of Jehovah-Satan to his new followers, the Bank and Freemasonry, which would later produce the American Revolution in 1776. The subsequent Masonic subversive revolutionary movement ended the French monarchy with the French Revolution of 1789. The plans of the International Synarchy to impose a capitalist democratic republic in Europe were almost a reality, but not everything is written in stone, and from the bosom of a noble Italian family, a Hyperborean warrior would emerge to stop their intentions; Napoleon Bonaparte.
The great French general revived the aristocratic spirit of European nations, restricted the Jewish practice of money-lending, subordinated Freemasonry and the Church, and crowned himself Emperor, in the manner of the purest Hyperborean traditions. Unfortunately, the European monarchies were fooled by England, which at that time was the International Financial center and the seat of Freemasonry. Its organization, secretly supported by Jesuit clerical sectors, influenced the monarchs of Austria, Prussia, Spain, and Russia, to oppose the Napoleonic reforms and precipitate his final overthrow.
Napoleon followed the same Hyperborean designs of Alexander the Great and Octavian Augustus, and marched against the esoteric-religious center of the Kali Yuga; Jerusalem. This was prevented by the unending betrayal of the British. The French Revolution did not obtain everything it wanted, but left an ideological trail that became popular under the ideology of Liberalism, the father of Communist-Marxism. The revolutions that preceded the Napoleonic downfall, such as those of 1848 and the revolutionary cycles of Marxist socialism that began in 1905, culminated with the start of the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The tragedy left by the Great War was unmeasurable; it will wipe out the last vestiges of the Pure Blood Monarchies, the warrior aristocratic nobility, and the Ancient European traditions.
After the war, Marxist socialism and Capitalist liberalism, both at the service of International Synarchy, planned a New Order to divide the geopolitical and economical World. The harsh terms of peace imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles were to forever and ever prevent her spiritual rebirth. There was no room for the slightest hope; the Communist International was the final stone to bury the Christian Era in Europe, break traditionalism and create the Universal Republic of Zion. After the Balfour Declaration of 1917, everything was being prepared to finally establish the Messianic Empire of the Chosen People. But from the center of Europe, in Germany, the Hyperborean Imperium would re-emerge as a final response, through the rise of National Socialism.
The Third German Reich
The Wild Hunt of Odin, by Peter Nicolai Arbo
The plan of World Control of the White Fraternity, the false gods of Shambala, which began thousand of years before during the befell of Atlantis, can only be achieved by the definitive destruction of the racial vestiges of the Siddhas of Agartha. Athens, Sparta, the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the pure-blood monarchies, the Napoleonic Empire, European nationalisms, and the historical hyperborean pinnacle, the Third German Reich, were magnificent stories of heroic resistance and psychosocial liberation against the White Fraternity plans for World Domination. Each leader of these empires inspired the European peoples of the Blood Pact to resist, to fight to the death, and beyond death, the penetration of the Cultural Pact peoples.
Countless cultural lies hide the truth of World War II, preventing fully understanding the magnificent story of spiritual liberation executed by Adolf Hitler. The Führer, the incarnation of Navutan, Lord of the absolute war, recovered the heroic and cultural essence of the Blood Pact; that is to say, he re-establish the Atlantean-Hyperborean Golden Age in Germany. The Führer’s psychosocial strategies set in motion the Swastika’s turn, which allowed it to expand the Occupation Principle within the incorporated living space of the Third Reich. This Siege strategy created a noological bridge by which millions of heroic Viryas recover Anamnesis, the remembrance of their spiritual hyperborean origin.
Like Imperial Rome: the Third Reich close the door to Shambala in Britain, opened by Druid Freemasons, and march against the Brahmin priests, custodians of the Chang Shambala gate in Tibet, who would try to open the Agartha Gate located in Mongolia. The SS-Ahnenerbe missions to Tibet and the Gobi desert were planned to trace the way back to Hyperborea. The National Socialists even reached as far as South America and Antarctica (New Swabia) in search of the hidden entrance to the legendary spiritual kingdom of Agartha, where the immortal gods and heroes eternally dwell.
During the Second World War, the Führer gave Great Britain a chance and did not destroy it, knowing that only the Golem Priests would be saved in the Cultural Pact strategies. The total war was directed against Judeo-masonic Communism in the East, represented by the Soviet Union. Germany showed the world this truth. Its war actions aim to unmask the International Finance, Freemasonry, Zionism and the Allies (White Betrayal) before the world. The Führer’s strategy revealed the demiurge’s deception and forever unmasked the Chosen People, disintegrating their Messianic archetype.
Today, thousands of warriors await in Agartha the Kairos of the End of the Kali Yuga. Wotan-Kalki, the Great Leader of the Indo-European Race, and Wildes Herr, will put up a heroic bulwark against Zion and the Final Holocaust of Fire, with which the Messianic Age is planning to begin.