Mind Control
An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.
― Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
When a group acquires an idea, it becomes an autonomous entity (egregore) that determines people's behavior. Political, economic, religious and cultural egregores condition human minds to act in a certain way, until they become states of social alienation. The individual ends up losing himself to living in the collective, illusory, stereotyped and programmed reality. It means forgetting the old Delphic motto “know yourself, and you will know the universe and the gods”, to assimilate the temple of social ideologies, “ignore yourself, surrender to dogma and abide by its designs”.
Who controls ideas; exercises power. The Current System that dominates the world seeks total control of the human mind from three points of control: the creation of woke ideologies, mass media propaganda, and study plans in schools. In the United States, the three branches are directed by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Publicist Edward Bernays, who participated in the creation of the CFR, wrote: “Those who manipulate the mechanism of society constitute an invisible government. We are governed, our minds are shaped, our tastes shaped, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never met.”
It is mainly through these means of control that the mental illusion of “progress” is spread, inserting it into the brain of the average citizen, by keeping him distracted with false patterns and values. The elites only have one interest: to create a consistent mass of easy-to-dominate beings, idiotized in the illusion of a “free and democratic world”. If an individual “wake up” and dares to think that the system they tell him is a sham, he would reconsider his mental health: the System has “vaccinated” his mind since he was a child. In case of dissent, any political party, religion, or activist group (of the same System) will be offered to him to make him believe that he still has a free choice; his mind cannot conceive that in reality, he is nothing more than a slave.
The Progress Myth
Woketard degrading herself holding a European flag.
“War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength”. In this dystopian Orwellian nightmare called “globalization”, those who subjugate the entire world do not cease to present themselves as “defenders of democracy”, “global peace” and “freedom”, while gradually designing an increasingly controlled society. The ideologues of the New World Order preach that we are all “equal” (to suppress the differences that enrich us and be able to manipulate us better), and have invented the so-called “human rights”, while constantly waging wars, crime, and death on the Earth. “Wherefore by their fruits, ye shall know them” [Matthew 7:20].
As Plato says, in “the myth of the Cavern” , we are prisoners chained in front of a wall in which shadows are cast. In the end, this is what it is all about: deconstructing “reality” into a world of illusion that turns us into “normal” beings, into good “Democrats”, “Christians”, “Marxists”, that is, into good slaves, educated on false, absurd, unreal and delusional values. The individuals who believe they are most rebellious are actually the most enslaved. Their social “rebellion”; feminism, pro-Lgbtq, anarchism, anti-fascism, anti-racism... in general, all the progressive-woke agenda of Cultural Marxism, is promoted and offered by the same System of which the “rebels” (woketards) become only a product.
No idea is as absurd as the idea of progress. The “progress” myth is totally false; we are progressing nowhere. What we find is only decay; that is, the entire society is subjected to a process of relentless entropy heading towards an eventual collapse. This modern world is the product of a degenerative process where nihilism, materialism and amorality reign, which crushes, consumes and disintegrates everything. Thanks to critical theory, a traditional value can be criticized as politically incorrect, perversion can be considered social progress, and rational discrepancy can be classified as intolerant irrationality. In this way, the more you degrade yourself and promote degeneracy, the more “free, modern and democratic” you are.
A Brave New World
"The man of the future will be race-mixed" [Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi]. The Kalergi Plan aims for the genocide of white people through miscegenation and mass immigration of non-whites to the United States & Europe.
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas” [Dr. G. Brock Chisolm]. We live in a world turned upside down. Human beings have been turned into materialistic, violent, godless pawns, drowned in a putrid mountain of ideologies that not only serve to make them endure in their oppression. The people of modern societies, without transcendental axiological values, have become a receptacle of all kinds of vice, perversion, and misery. Tradition, love for the country, high moral values, family and marriage, everything has been perversely subverted.
After the Worldwide Defeat of 1945, the decay of Western Civilization arose. Marxism, wokism, egalitarianism, democracy, homosexuality, pornography, consumerism, drugs, corruption, poverty, mass immigration, miscegenation, pollution, wars, are the values on which the “modern”, “progressive”, and “democratic” world rests. Racialism, Honor, loyalty, spirituality, and all kinds of healthy society have been replaced by the New Age of darkness and chaos. According to Leon Degrelle: “a lost war is not mortal. But in this case, it is all the values that Europe had built that have been incinerated.”
The world’s secret power aims to generate a “globalized”, bastardized society of servants without nationalities, where private property and religion have disappeared, and technology has “transformed men into robots and robots into men”. Their final purpose is to generate a “dull, predictable, and manipulable mixed race, of inferior character and intelligence, without any cultural ties or identity, over which the elite would eternally rule” (Kalergi Plan). Communism and capitalism have been the two tools to achieve it, the two sides of the same coin; rather than fighting each other; they complement each other in a single final goal: the spiritual destruction of the Human Being. Only with intelligence can we defeat the Marxist monster that wants to swallow us, but most are not willing to see the chains of modern slavery.
The Kali Yuga
“Peaceful” demonstrators stand around a fire during a BLM protest near the White House on May 31, 2020. Le Bon states: “When the structure of a civilisation is rotten, it is always the masses that bring about its downfall”.
We are currently witnessing the beginning of the final stage of the Kali Yuga, the Age of Darkness, where humanity will degenerate in its biological, intellectual, and spiritual spheres. Ultimately, the world's time is nothing but the successive development of an endless process of decomposition and corruption from the Golden Age. The Modern World is a lame shadow of the glory and greatness of ancient civilizations. Postmodernism spread the loss of meaning and the aversion for the healthy cultural essence of our ancestors. The social decline of today is accompanied by great technological advances, which do not necessarily represent a good thing; the living matter atrophies and degrades (dysgenesis), while dead matter evolves at accelerated steps. As we approach the end of the cycle, that is, the end of the Kali-yuga, the “darkness” thickens.
In the Hermetica, the thrice great Hermes (Thoth) delivered to his pupil, Asclepius, the following accurate prophecy: “Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good.” In the Age of Darkness, as the Vedas predict, violence, lies, and immorality, in a manner of “reckless crime, wars, robberies, and frauds”, will be the order of the day: “Passion and lust will be the only attraction between genders (…) Wise people will be ridiculed; the righteous will not get recognition (…) Men will want nothing more than to earn money and the richest will be those who hold power (…) Fetuses will be killed in their mother's womb and heroes will be humiliated (…) Sodomy and adultery will be embraced (…) Filial piety and the importance of customs will be lost (…) People will pretend to ignore caste differences and the sacredness of marriage.” [Vishnu Purana, Book VI].
The agony of our current decadent Western society is solely the consequence of having abandoned Dharma, the natural law that foments human beings to maintain integrity and virtue. Without it, the vicious, the degenerate, the subhuman would end up eternally spreading on this planet, and in this way, entropy, suffering and death would wither us all.
Rebellion against the Modern World
Wanderer above the Sea of Trash, by Liis Roden. “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength” [Marcus Aurelius].
Today's mankind suffers from terrible cultural and spiritual confusion; we are atomized, fragmented, divided, and totally lost in this sociopolitical labyrinth, which irremediably leads us to forget our individuality and be total submissive to the “evolutionary” plans of the Global Synarchy. We are constantly brainwashed by a malevolent System that only seeks to weaken us in any way possible to keep us imprisoned. The new generations are programmed into nihilism, hedonism, stupidity, promiscuity, sick models, vice and irresponsibility. Lacking firm and true principles, they are untidy, insecure and weak in body, mind, and character. Without having a traditional firm foundation, they fall into sterility and absurdity, reaching out their hand toward unreal projections.
The Clown World of today is terrible, almost laughable, but it does not necessarily lead to madness. Faced with the miserable and lousy humanity of today, the only thing we can do is maintain our integrity. We must fight for a worthy, prosperous life against the decadence and eventual collapse of Western Civilization. In the book Revolt Against the Modern World, Julius Evola wrote: “Impassivity, stability, remain firm and unyielding; be immutable as heaven itself and hold tight to the power of your fist”. If you are aware of your own sovereignty, you can elevate yourself to heights over which globalist power has no political or spiritual influence.
Political propaganda creates false realities to deceive you and confuse you with what is truly authentic. These false realities hypnotize you, and your mind becomes weak and passive, so you have no mental defenses against those ‘mind parasites’ or egregores. The more you develop your mind, the more you will be protected from all kinds of polluting thoughts. Strengthen your mind through puzzles, chess, math, languages, and other intellectual challenges in which you must think clearly and focus all your attention. All this effort will protect you because you are exercising your mental faculties: “For where is the mind, there is the Treasure.”
The principle of stoicism marks the superior mind, and it is distinguished from the person who is firmly focused and capable of dominating himself in the given social conditions. Plato proposes a healthy and harmonious education, highlighting the importance of gymnastics, as well as music, since “music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.” He also points out the need to preserve the racial condition. The Pythagoreans brought a spiritual order to the world's chaos by purifying themselves, giving special importance to wisdom, asceticism, and music. It is in harmony, order, and beauty that reflects and opens before the eternal divinity. The Individual then manifests a healthy, strong, vigorous, and noble nature. As above, so below; as within, so without.
Be radical, have principles, be absolute, be that which the bourgeoisie calls an extremist: give yourself without counting or calculating, don't accept what they call ‘the reality of life’ and act in such a way that you won't be accepted by that kind of ‘life’, never abandon the principle of struggle.
― Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World