Worldwide Defeat: the truth behind World War II
Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov, better known as Lenin. The "World Revolution" announced by Lenin and other exponents of the Russian Bolshevism aimed at the domination of Germany and, eventually, of all of Europe.
You ask what my conclusions are, rereading my journals and looking back on World War II from the vantage point of a quarter century in time? We won the war in a military sense; but in a broader sense it seems to me we lost it, for our Western civilization is less respected and secure than it was before. China is now our enemy power in an age of nuclear weapons. Poland was not saved [...] A large part of our Western culture was destroyed [...] We lost the genetic heritage of 105 aeons of many millions of lives. It is alarmingly possible that World War II marks the beginning of our Western civilization's breakdown.
Charles Lindbergh's War Diaries, 1972.
The blood ties of the Revolution
According to historian Michael Burleigh, described as a “genius” by The Sunday Times, “Hitler's political, social and economic ideas embody the denial of all that is worthy in human beings”, adding that he is surprised that Hitler “continues to attract attention after 60 years of death.” One of the main reasons is that he almost succeeded. At various times Hitler had victory at hand, and it eluded him by a small margin. If he had won the war, the history of the 20th century would had been radically different.
The hidden truth of World War II goes as following: Adolf Hitler waged a total war (Der totale Krieg) against an international entity with two ideological arms: the right one represented in Wall Street and London and the left one in Moscow. The result was the most brutal and bloodiest battle in history, pushed to the limits of human endurance. The terrible consequences the conflict unleashed did not end with the German defeat of 1945. A silent, metaphysical struggle prevails today, waged in the collective unconscious, making itself present increasingly insidious as a destructive apocalyptic menace.
The origins of World War II began in 1917 when Marxism violently took over Russia and a dozen other countries to form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The great deception of the so-called class struggle fell apart as soon started the “Red Terror”, the collective and systematic massacres within the “homeland of the proletariat.” Marx wrote in Das Kapital that the two instruments to establish a “classless” Society –a Communist Society– are the abolition of private property and the suppression of the rights of inheritance. With the first, property is annihilated and, consequently, man is enslaved; with the second, his desire to progress for the benefit of his offspring is removed and, as consecuence, his productivity and willpower decreases. What happens then? Well, a new society with Classes arises: An exploiting class, formed by the high-ranking communist chiefs in charge of cultivating terror over an immense proletarian enslaved mass, forced to continue to work mercilessly.
Marxism, implemented in Russia through violence and deception, could only be maintained through paralyzing terror. The Non-Russian revolutionary leaders, who launched the smear campaign against the Czars regime, unleashed massive and systematic slaughter practices. In the first six years, the Jewish controlled Cheka had liquidated 54,000 officers of the traditional army, 260,000 soldiers, 70,000 policemen, 1,219 priests, 29 bishops, 15,000 professionals, 12,000 property owners, 193,290 workers, and 815,000 peasants. By 1923 the USSR had become a concentration camp of 25 million square kilometers with 160 million inmates and 20 million guards, What many years later would be baptized as the Iron Curtain.
Sydney Reilly stated: “The Germans are human beings. We can afford to be even beaten by them. Here in Moscow, there is growing to maturity the arch-enemy of the human race. If civilization does not move first and crush the monster, while yet there is time, the monster will finally overwhelm western civilization.”
The so-called November Revolution never had any need of resources since, from the beginning, its “revolutionary” leaders received support from the great financial leaders of New York, such as Jacob Schiff, Khun-Loeb and Co., Max Breitung, Mortimer Schiff, Felix Warburg, Olof Aschberg, Otto Kahn and other Wall Street financiers. Such an association would seem illogic, considering that the Communist Revolution announced the liquidation of Capitalism throughout the world. What was then the reason for such an unusual alliance? What could be in common between the Wall Street tycoons and the Bolshevik officials in Moscow? We find the answer in their blood ties. Leo Trotzky, Vladimir Lenin, Lev Kamenev, Grigory Zinoviev, Rykov, Beria… basically all the heads of the Soviet Regime were Jews, as were the powerful American bankers who had financed their careers. The author of Marxism himself, Kissel Mordekay (commonly known as Karl Marx), was funded by the Rothschild Bank of London.
Communism declared itself the deadly enemy of capitalism as it postulates is the suppression of private property, but it does not announce itself against the Jewish speculative and banking capitalism. Both ideologies are the Right and the Left arm of the same Entity. Marxism has never been an economic science, nor a working class revolution of social justice, as tries to camouflage itself, but an ideological tool of the International Jewish Conspiracy to achieve global domination. Bolshevism had taken advantage of the ignorance of the masses to impose itself on Russia, but its initial purpose was to take over Germany, preferably for its high industrialization and decisive influence on the European continent. Communizing Germany would give Marxism the influence it required to impose itself in the world.
At the end World War I, in 1918, pro-communist riots led by Jews Kurl Eisner, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg made desperate attempts to communize the German people. The revolutionary mutiny failed bloodily in Berlin and Munich, defeated by the chauvinistic army, but the Communist faction did not abandon its goal and only changed goals and tactics. In June 1919, the Treaty of Versailles stipulated “to provide Russia with the opportunity to determine its own political and national development.” Instead, Germany was condemned to lose its colonies, part of its metropolitan territory, to pay huge indemnities and to limit its armed forces. Thus arose the Weimar Republic, which would plunge the country into poverty and despair.
The fact that, among the promoters of the communist riots, in the signing of the armistice and in the new government there were so many Jews, created deep misgivings in Germany. And such resentment would explode 14 years later with the rise of Adolf Hitler in power (1933). Historian Johannes Haller wrote that “the peace terms imposed on Germany were to forever prevent her rebirth”. It can be said that the unfair terms of the Versailles treaty were the main cause of World War II, by forcing Germany into the conquest of Lebensraum, starting a direct conflict with Russian communism.
Adolf Hitler had written in his 1923 book Mein Kampf that he would march against Bolshevism in Russia and destroy it. Back then, no one believed his ambitions conceivable, but his intentions had been exposed from then on and his declared enemies always knew what to expect. Having revealed the foreign policy of the Reich would cost Hitler the war. England and United States, controlled by the Jewish financial capital (Warburg, Baruch, Strauss, Heart, Lehman, Warner, Rockefeller, Morgan, Schiff, Morgenthau, etc.), would move their economic resources and military forces to save Marxism in the USSR; the ideologic regime that, in appearance, was its deadly enemy. As Trotsky famously said: “The New York Stock Exchange is the greatest revolutionary force that exists”.
An inevitable war rapidly rising
Hitler at a parade in Berlin in June 1939. The first American public opinion polls —after England and France declared war on Germany— indicated that more than 80% of citizens wanted the United States to remain completely out of the Nazi-Soviet conflict.
From its conception, National Socialism declared itself an enemy of the tremendous financial-banking power. Adolf Hitler’s regime cut in one fell swoop the “speculative capitalism” that exploits and deceives, but without damaging authentic capitalism, the one that provides a social good as a factor of production and common progress. Instead of Marxist socialism, he proposed a German (racially oriented) socialism that would raise the standard of living without a class struggle nor the suppression of private property. At the end of 1939 —the seventh year of Hitler's rise to power— the Third Reich was already an economic power in Europe. Germany had the most powerful army in the world for its weapons and combat capacity, although not the most numerous. To this was added that, in 1938, Hitler managed to unite Austria (his homeland) with Germany and forged an alliance with Italian fascism, led by Mussolini, strengthening the anti-communist faction.
A mighty Sword was rising in the center of Europe, predicting an inevitable war. All this was already very worrying for Churchill, Daladier, Roosevelt and all other allies of Freemasonry, Judaism and International Communism. The Soviet Union alone could not defeat Germany, so their strategy was to provoke a two-front war, precisely what Hitler did not want. But how to achieve it? The power of the big press and Masonic commitments in high political circles would make it possible. Most citizens in England, France and the United States were against war, but the hidden forces that control the world wanted it, and in that sense, the “public opinion” was manipulated. From then on began the inexplicable, illogical events during which the allied powers of the “democratic West” subsidized, assisted and eventually saved a regime with the obstinate desire to impose itself throughout the world.
In 1938 Hitler had tried to negotiate a treaty with Poland that would allow him an overland passage to East Prussia, from where the invasion of Russia could start. The Polish regime opposed those terms and rejected all attempts of peace, with the false promise that the army would easily triumph with the British and French support. Thus, with misinformation about what was known and thought, Germany attacked Poland on September 1, 1939. Two days later, England and France declared war on the Reich. It was an unpleasant surprise for Hitler, whose plans were never to fight against the West. With the illusory idea of averting the war on the western front, he had accepted a repeated proposal of Stalin to sign a “trade and non-aggression treaty”.
The declaration of war by France and England against Germany was not precisely to “save” Poland, which was defeated in 15 days without support, but to put into effect the declaration of war that the XXV Zionist Congress had proclaimed the previous month in Geneva, by the mouth of Dr. Chain Weizmann. Poland was thrown into the frey become the casus belli of the great conflagration.
Shortly after the victory in Warsaw, Hitler tried renegotiating peace, but such offer was rejected. He would hold out his hand on several occasions, but on each of them, as he affirmed to the General State, his adversaries had responded him “with a punch in the face”. Germany could not face Russia until she was free in the West, and to be free in the West, Hitler had to defeat France. On May 10, 1940, mobilizations began in Holland and Belgium, maneuvering the French out of the Maginot Line. By the 30th, the British Expeditionary Force was already re-embarking at Dunkirk, heading for England, abandoning all their military equipment. Paris capitulated on June 20.
By allowing the withdrawal of 338,226 English and French at Dunkirk, Hitler wanted to show that he had no hatred against the British and only demanded that they give him a free hand to march against Russia. He declared before the Reichstag on July 19 (1940): “From England, I hear only one cry, which is not that of the people, but that of its politicians: that the war must continue.” Churchill, as a loyal Freemason, had the task of delaying the invasion against the USSR as much as possible. He initiated the aerial bombardment (terrorist campaign) on German soil and incited the military threat of Yugoslavia and Greece in April 1941. These incidents lost Hitler valuable time for the offensive against the USSR. Churchill himself reveals that Hitler's plan to invade Russia on May 7 was postponed to June 22, a date closer to the fearsome Russian winter and a Napoleonic disaster.
A last attempt to make peace with England was made by Rudolf Hess, head number 3 of Germany (after Hitler and Göring). He flew to Great Britain on the eve of the German invasion of the USSR, to deal a pacifist negotiation. Churchill imprisoned him and he spend the rest of his life in prison as a “war criminal.” International propaganda applauds the attempts of peace only if those benefit the Communist cause.
The triumph of General Winter
Winter in Russian blizzard, 1941. Liddell Hart states: “Hitler's strategic intuition and the General Staff's strategic calculation could have been an all-conquering combination. Instead, they produced a suicidal schism which proved to be the salvation of their enemies.”
On June 21-22, 1941, Hitler's launched a fierce campaign against the USSR, Operation Barbarossa, thus starting the greatest battle in history. Never in a war had the world's future been so much at stake; the Wehrmacht was facing a mortal enemy, not only for the defense of Germany and Europe -as the Führer himself accurately stated- but of the protection of the world as a whole, of the entire civilization of two thousand years of existence. 3.5 million Germans an 1 million allies gathered in 225 war divisions, along with 4,400, tanks and 4,000 planes, making it the largest land operation ever witnessed.
The results of the first battles amply demonstrated the superiority of the Germans. In just over a week, they advanced 200 miles, trapping masses of Russians in pincers attacking swiftly from the flanks. In the first four months of fighting, the Germans had taken 3,048,000 prisoners. The defeat of the USSR was feasible, but the discrepancy between the General Staff and Hitler would be ‘the salvation of their enemies’. Hitler had specified In the Barbarossa plan that the number one objective was the capture of Leningrad (Army Group North). Once achieved, two armies (Army Group Center and Army Group South) would be free to join goal number two, the capture of Moscow. At the beginning of September, the objective was within reach, but the encirclement of Kyiv delayed the general advance. The General Staff considered that the main military aim should be Moscow and issued an order to Marshal von Manstein to cede troops to the Central Army Group. Historian David Irving says that such a modification meant that the capture of Moscow could not be carried out before the arrival of winter, since the two armies that remained immobilized around Leningrad were required.
At the end of November the column going to Moscow reached its outskirts, but the lack of numbers and extreme cold (-50°C) paralyzed mobilization. The brutal winter had surprised the soldiers still in their summer uniforms. On December 6, the Wehrmacht received an onslaught of one hundred Soviet reserve divisions from Siberia and some German divisions started to capitulate. In those dramatic circumstances, Hitler assumed supreme command of the Army and ordered that there be no retreats. A withdrawal, at minus 50 degrees centigrade, would mean an absolute catastrophe. During the winter of 1941-1942, the discipline and spirit of sacrifice of the German soldier saved the Eastern front from defeat.
During 1941, Japan (as an Axis ally) could still strike the URSS from the East, and Soviet Communism would suffocate in a deadly pincer. But Roosevelt, who had waged an undeclared war against Germany, decided to provoke Japan in a series of cunning combinations. First, he froze Japan's dollar deposits in the United States, blocked Japan's oil supply, and sent false secret reports to Tokyo that the destruction of the American fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor would give the Japanese a decisive victory in the Pacific. Japan took the bait and launch an attack on December 7 (1941), when the High Command had already withdrawn the best ships. The attack inmediate cause of the United States' entry into the War, forcing the Japanese to struggle in the Pacific. Roosevelt and his accomplices finally had what they deeply wanted.
Faced with the impossibility of taking Moscow, Hitler planned to reach the oil wells of the Caucasus, to deny the oil stock to the Soviet Union, thereby bringing about the complete collapse of the war effort. During summer 1942, the Wehrmacht’s plan for a offensive in southern Russia, known as Case blue, and by the end of October, the German armies in southern Russia seemed to have taken Stalingrad, the crucial point of the incursion. However, everything changed in November, when American troops were already landing in Morocco and Algeria against the Afrikakorps. The Western forces combined scattered German reserves on the western and southern coast of France, in Africa, and the Balkans, far from Stalingrad, which would decide the course of the war.
On November 19, when Soviet reserves from the Volga, of which Hitler and the General Staff had no idea, poured in impressive waves on the left and right flank of the German 6th Army. The two Soviet pincers joined at Kalasch on November 23, encircling Stalingrad with more than 280,000 men. General Zeitzler favoured the breakout attempt, but Hitler chose to follow Göring's air supply option. Once again, the discrepancy in the German high command would cause the disaster. The supply was not possible, losing valuable time, and the rescue operation launched in December 12, “Winter Storm”, the last hope of salvation for the sixth army, fail to break the siege. The remnants continued the fight, dying of hunger and cold, sacrificing themselves to save the armies that were retreating from the Caucasus. On February 2, the inevitable capitulation was announced. In captivity, 91,000 soldiers would witness another hell, perhaps worse than Stalingrad, because they could no longer fight, only suffer (only six thousand survived).
After the defeat at Stalingrad, the possibilities of a German victory had vanished. In July 1943, the largest German offensive on the Eastern Front, Operation Citadel, was cut short by Eisenhower's invasion of Italy. After that, the initiative of the war passed into the hands of the Red Army. In the first three years and five months of fighting, Germany had lost 4,842,000 soldiers. In 1944, total Soviet casualties were estimated at between 16 and 20 million combatants. The Soviet regime had so many intrinsic weaknesses that despite its numerical superiority, it could not take Berlin alone. To defeat the Reich, there was necessary to fight on two major fronts simultaneously (Operation Overlord and Operation Bagration). Thus, the mobilizations to open the second front started and the allies concentrated two million fighters in England. The invasion was planned to begin in Normandy.
The Great Crusade against Europe
American soldiers approach Omaha Beach on D Day. “The propaganda had presented the facts to them —says Skorzeny— in a very simplistic way: the Germans were barbarians dominated by a Devil in human form who wanted to dominate the world”.
In the early hours of June 6, 1944, began the Great Crusade against Europe. A hurricane of fire fell on the fortifications on the coast of France and seven hundred and two American warships unloaded their large-caliber guns against the German defenses. That deluge lasted more than twenty-four hours until the Allies managed to consolidate their march on the mainland. The failure of the American invasion would have been fatal to the allies. Trying it again would take two years. If Operation Overlord failed, the German armies would have been released from the West and break into the Soviet front. The course of the war would have turned 180 degrees.
Even after the resistance on the coast failed, there was still the possibility of paralyze the advance and even turning it back, by inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. However, the assassination attempt against Hitler on July 20 frustrate those ambitions. The Reich's small allies saw it as a sign of imminent defeat, and the troops lost morale. By the end of August, the Wehrmacht had lost the occupied northern and western France. The USSR invaded Bulgaria through Romania and forced it to declare war on Germany. The new German 6th Army was encircled on the Romanian-Soviet border and annihilated. Tragedy loomed on all sides and all sacrifices seemed already futile. Still hoping to win a losing fight, Hitler launched a final offensive through the Ardennes Forest in December 16, to shatter the Allied armies in Belgium. The German penetration caused great alarm and confusion, pushing the entire Allied rearguard back on the eastern French frontier. However, in January 1955 the Soviet incursion forced the withdrawal from the Ardennes to face the anti-Bolshevik front. After the general withdrawal, the last hopes of victory were vanished.
Hitler barricaded himself in Berlin, where the bombing had left the city in ruins and killed 49,600 people. By 1945, four-fifths of all German cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants were destroyed. According to data from the Red Cross, casualties in the town of Dresden amounted to more than 250,000 civilians. At the war's end, the number of dead civilians rose to more than 500,000 and the number of wounded to 700,000, the vast majority of whom were women and children, since the men were at the front. During the turbulence of the Soviet invasion in German territory, Ilia Ehrenburg, head of the Jewish commissars, ordered the Soviet troops to rape any German woman they found. Million and a half women were abused, according to the Russian Solzhenitsyn. Hans Rumpf says that civilians became more resilient to violence and suffering and that “they were no longer afraid of anything. There was no compassion in them, not even for themselves.”
In the last days of the war, when all German territory had been lost, and the sun was darkened by gunpowder and dust, the city's inhabitants in Berlin still fought heroically, watching enthusiastically the arrival of units that Hitler was withdrawing from the Western Front to oppose the communist advance. The children of the Hitler Youth marched singing. The courageous resistance in Berlin was unparalleled and was able to contain the masses of Soviet soldiers. On May 1, however, all of them received the harshest of news; Admiral Doenitz, head of the German Navy, gave the official statement on the death of the Führer: “Our leader, Adolf Hitler, has fallen. With deep sorrow and reverence bows to the German people... He gave his whole life to the service of Germany, and even more, his fight against the flood of Bolshevik storm was not only over Europe but over the entire civilized world. Hitler, one of the greatest heroes of German history, is gone. Filled with the proudest respect and mourning, we bow our flags before him.”
Doenitz, Ribbentrop, Göring, von Friedeburg and Himmler negotiated with the West to end the war with England and the United States and to continue the German resistance to Bolshevism. All attempts were useless. The unconditional surrender was signed on May 7 and Germany was divided in two and gave away half the country, with 25 million inhabitants, to the rule of Communism. The pretext of the war had been the salvation of Poland, but it was practically given to the USSR together with eight entire countries, resulting from the secret pacts of Yalta and Potsdam, between Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill and Truman. Nonetheless, the sacrifice of the German Army, with its 6,698,000 casualties, had not been in vain; it had prevented all of Germany from falling entirely and, with it, half of Europe. The World Revolution would have to continue struggling for many years to communize it.
The consequences of victory
German soldier lies dead before the Brandenburg Gate. In May 1945, after the defeat of Germany, the American General George Patton, commander of the Third Army, told the Undersecretary for War, Patterson: “We have triumphed over the Germans, and we have disarmed them, but we have lost the war.” One million German prisoners died in 80 barbed-wire camps, at Eisenhower's command. Three million more civilians died in East Germany after the Soviet occupation.
The Nazi movement had come as a bitter surprise to the Globalist clique, as there were times when Germany had victory within reach. The Western allies needed to mobilize all their resources to save Marxism from imminent defeat. But finally, after five years and eight months of struggle, the allied triumph came in 1945. With Germany defeated, the option of a Third Economy linked to the people and nationality disappeared. Since then, there has been an apparent “cold war” between two blocks, falsely antagonistic; a Capitalist-plutocratic sector and a Marxism-oligarchic one. Both are equally subjected to the dominion of Judah’s High International Finance. The accurate helm of the world was unveiled at the Bretton Woods Monetary and Financial Conference (USA) in July 1944. There were laid the economic foundations that would continue to pave the way for the ‘World Revolution’: the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Council on Foreign Relations, and later on, the Trilateral Commission.
After the war, the main task of International Communism has been to extinguish “Nazism” worldwide. In no country is tolerated its reborn. It has been assumed that National Socialism was a criminal, heinous ideology that caused horrible massacres such as the Holocaust, and this idea is continuously reinforced through education, press, books, movies, magazines, conferences, museums, etc. All research on the ovens, the gas chambers and the oppression of the Jews, that is, all authentic historical exposure, is qualified as anti-Semitism. If a German citizen thinks something favorable to Hitler’s regime or openly promotes anything related to National Socialism, it is considered a thought crime and can be punished with prison. Those who are better informed must keep quiet to be “politically correct”. All this has caused such disinformation that a large part of the people accepts as true everything, or almost everything, of what they have been indoctrinated. “What is truth? For the multitude, that which it continually reads and hears”, concludes Spengler .
Denazification never prescribes, it continues now with more intensity than ever. Nothing similar occurs with Marxism, although having caused more than one hundred million deaths. Their settlement in the USSR would cost 50 million lives; in China, 80 million more; in Cambodia, half of its seven million inhabitants; in Cuba, thirty thousand executions, etc. Despite all this, all world's universities openly promotes the ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin.
FBI investigator Dan Smoot writes in The Invisible Government (1962): “I am convinced that the Council on Foreign Relations, along with many other tax-exempt associations (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Guggenheim, Ford, etc.) constitute the invisible government that sets the main political lines of the government; and, through clever and massive propaganda, they influence Congress and the public to support that policy. I am convinced that the goal of this Invisible Government is to converge America into a socialist state under a communist world government.” (But very little could all this matter to an enslaved and indoctrinated humanity.)
Today, the occult forces are in full activity. The Globalization of the World Synarchy is not heading to unite the nations but rather to break their sovereignty, erase their national identity, and dissolute their social integrity. The more western society is weakened, the better it can be controlled by them. Various movements and organizations favor everything that tends to dissolve society: pansexualism, homosexuality, drugs, abortion, marital instability, weakening of the family structure, systematic destruction of the economy, etc. Another stage, which is beginning to cause concern, is the indiscriminate migration of different and opposing ethnic groups, threatening to dilute the European race and its millenarian traditions. “It is not a crisis that the world is suffering —said Spengler— but a catastrophe of incalculable proportions”.
Communism does not seek social progress nor class vindication. It is nothing more than an egregore used against all the Gentile nations to facilitate the imposition of the Great Sahnedrin’s World empire of Zion: “300 men, each of whom knows the others, decide the fate of the world and choose their successors.” [Walter Rathenau]. H. A. Gwynne, editor of the London 'Morning Post', published in a book that “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion may or may not be authentic, but the entire program outlined in them is being carried out today almost to the letter.” There is a clear demonic inspiration in all this. And Satan (the Demiurge YHVH) goes for more, goes for everything.
Adolf Hitler had said that his spirit would rise from the grave and that he would be seen to be right. And it is evident that the victorious powers fear his ideals. It is fear and hate. Not even the total occupation of Germany gives them peace of mind. Still, the Spirit of Europe has not died. The struggle never ends. It is unavoidable. That is the law of life. The eternal fight will be resolved victoriously in a time that will not be ours. But we, as children of this current time, necessarily must do our part and face the adversary, however great and invincible it may seem. There is no war, except the war fought for the sake of Truth, and it must germinate by the light of Providence. Only then the forces of Righteousness will give rise to a new world of virtue and universal justice.
Hitler exposed in "Mein Kampf" the essential points of National Socialism: belief in the aristocratic principle of Nature; in the value of the individual, of the nationality and of the Aryan Race […] And when on May 7, 1945, by order of Admiral Doenitz, before the unconditional surrender, all the Wehrmacht's cannons were pointed at the East, the will of National Socialism to fight against Marxism was patented for the umpteenth time. It was a struggle for the benefit of Germany, obviously, but from all over Europe as well.
The History of the Defeated, by Joaquin Bochaca.