About The Mystery of Belicena Villca

What is light to the wise becomes darkness to the crowds. The Mystery of Belicena Villca places the reader in mythical lost empires and describes the deeds of those who tried to recover its ancestral treasures and secrets. The purpose of the novel, as explained by the author, is to recover the Primordial Tradition.

The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster.


— Milan Kundera

The Ancient Hyperborean Wisdom

“That is the most beautiful? The madness that precedes from divinity or the sanity that originates in men” [Plato]. In this article, we are going to study the enigmatic work that deals with the Hyperborean question and Esoteric Nazism; we refer to the novel The Mystery of Belicena Villca, written by Nimrod de Rosario. We know that these issues are difficult to understand and access for minds modeled by the media and education (programming) of the system. The official history, which instills in us from a young age, is intentionally misleading; it blatantly establishes an erroneous moral narrative, giving historical events and mythologies a direction and meaning suitable for the Synarchy's occult purposes. However, we can affirm that there is an authentic Essential War beyond what had been told to us. Various authors have referred to this forbidden history, although the System has always prohibited the dissemination of their works, ridiculed them, and finally, silenced them.

The Hyperborean Wisdom reveals the secrets a remote past long forgotten and ignored. We find the mythical beginnings of civilization, a land inhabited by superior beings who dominated the Earth, raising beautiful empires as a reflection of their divine nature. But all that world, one day, in a single night, disappeared, leaving us only with impossible ruins and fantastic legends. Lies spread worldwide, hiding the millenary relationship between the gods and their descendants. Initially, a race emerged whose origin is not from this world. And this noble and indomitable lineage, known as Hyperborean, dominated the Earth and overcame the flow of time, discovering the immense depths and hidden secrets of the Universe.

The noble-divine lineage wrote the first history of the world. Alfred Rosenberg defines a world history marked by the seal of the race from the North or Hyperborean. This race, as Miguel Serrano would say, has imprinted the meaning of history by radiating the light of the north over the darkness of creation. In this regard, he remarks in The Book of Resurrection: “There is only one History, one Civilization, one War in the Universe: that of the White Gods. Everything else is involution from the Golden Age. You and I devolved from the White Gods. In general, every civilization is the creation, in origin, of the Aryan genius, from the oldest to the present. At the beginning and end of everything, the history of the Aryan man would inevitably become directly linked to the World of the Gods.”

The Great Hyperborean Homeland existed, and perhaps still exists, somewhere at the North Pole, in a place where “the summer sun never sets”. The works of Herodotus (“island of ice located in the Great North, where transparent men lived”), Pliny “the Elder”, Diodorus of Sicily and Virgil speak of it. The ancient Germanic and Scandinavian legends also recreate the epic of the god-men. Wala's prediction, at the beginning of the Icelandic Edda tells us about "the giants born with the dawn of days, these giants who once taught wisdom."

This tradition has foundation in the blood's memory of Thule and its associations taken from the Akashic Nordic records, from Valhalla Island to Frisian Atlandia. The usual meaning is that "Hyperborea", as it appears in Homer's poetry and in the Greco-Mediterranean Atlantean tradition, alludes to a country "beyond" (hyper) from where the North Wind (Boreas) blows. But this is a late and rationalist etymology. Before these mythological reductions, Boreas meant "breath from the North", as in Boréios (βορειοζ) with a double meaning of "wind" and "spirit", as it happens with Pneuma (πνευμα): "breath", "breath", "soul". "Hyperborean" can then be translated, in an archaic sense, as "Spirit that proceeds beyond the North"; and Hyperborea becomes "the country (or the origin, provenance) of the Spirits beyond the North", a "racial center" outside the material world.

The Primordial Gnosis reveals that the Divine Race fell from Hyperborea, the superior world, and became trapped in this world. According to this cosmogony, the hyperboreans are in direct conflict with this universe, since their spirit doesn’t belong in it. They have to "transmute" to reconquest their lost divinity. The Bhagavad Gita points out that we are in a somewhat illusory and unstable world, a pale manifestation of another absolute reality. There is nothing eternal, absolute or definitive in this material universe. Polarity and conflict are all there is. This world becomes the battlefield between irreconcilable poles. Life itself is an eternal struggle between good (light, conscience) and evil (darkness, the slavery of the senses).

The first Persians recognized, with the Mazdean religion of light, the ancestral cosmic Aryan dualism. As the Germans come from the same Indo-European race as the Persians of origin, the points of convergence between the two beliefs should not surprise us. Thus, the light-darkness gnosis and the cult of the Sun and Venus, the Polar star, are symbols common to Germanic Paganism and Persian Zoroastrianism. Both are rooted in the same Hyperborean Tradition.

The Graal & The Venusian Leyend

The Gates of Heaven. There are no shortcuts to the Realm of the Immortals; no one can open the Heavenly Doors without being worthy of it. In Tiahuanaco, in the Gate of the Sun, a Venusian calendar is carved in stone. We would find there the psychological and alchemical keys for the transmutation into a übermensch or sonnenmensch.

The Mystery of Belicena Villca, the Magical Novel, as it is known, is distinguished by its Gnostic vision, claiming Lucifer as Khristos, a being of spiritual light opposed to Jehovah-satan, the Demiurge Creator of the material world. On this basis, the world we live in, Jehovah's Creation, would be a satanic world, and we find ourselves trapped in a material prison. Belicena Villca tells us about the existence of an Essential War, a confrontation between these two Gods before the very origin of time and history, a conflict that began in Heaven and then extended to Earth. Lucifer, the Prince of Heaven, and his spiritual hosts confronted those of the impostor Jehovah. They entered "here" from the Portal of Venus to release the spirits that had fallen and been chained in Jehovah's Creation. Lucifer and his loyal followers were defeated and forced to build the kingdom of Agartha. He will be from then known as the "fallen angel", trapped in the Eternal Return, until he regains the throne that belongs to him by nature, expelling the Impostor.

During the primordial battle, the central emerald of Lucifer's crown fell precipitously to the Earth. Since then, this jewel has been known by the name of Grail, or Graal; the stone that by blood inheritance comes to manifest itself in some racially pure men. This relic seems to refer to an act in which the Aryan blood begins to incarnate in some men, in such a way that from then on participate in the divine knowledge and develop higher capacities. As the Promethean fire, the Grail is the link object between the two worlds (this material world and the world of the gods) that awakens and invokes the “Blood’s Memory”. One of the first works to deal with the Grail question is the book "Lucifer’s Court" published in 1937 by Otto Rahn.

The disappeared continent of Atlantis was just one more battlefield within the framework of this Great Cosmic War. The catastrophe that caused the sinking of Atlantis took place towards the end of the Upper Paleolithic, approximately 9,500 years before Christ. This cataclysm dragged under the waters most of the population and the wonders of its solar city, as testified by the Great Tradition and remembered by Plato, according to his stories. After the disaster, the White Atlanteans arrived from the Atlantic to Europe, becoming the last wreckage of that ancient world. They were guided by the Liberator Gods of Agartha towards the Portal of Venus in the North Pole, arriving at the city of K'Taagar, Thule-Hyperborea. During their pilgrimage, they build large magical megalithic constructions for their descendants, the Cro-Magnon. The Swarthy Atlanteans, controlled by the Demiurge, perverted and ruined all the creative work of the former ones.

The novel describes the eternal conflict of the hyperborean gods of Agartha against the White Fraternity of Chang Shambala, servants of the "evolutionary" plan of Jehovah Satan. In this Great Essential War, the Liberating Gods of Agartha are the guardians of the Blood Pact between the White Atlanteans and their descendants, the White Races. The mission of the Cultural Pact between the Swarthy Atlanteans and the White Fraternity is to neutralize the Blood Pact, destroy the racial purity of the Hyperborean descendants, and prevent their spiritual liberation. Far from beyond, in the Divine Origin, which is beyond the stars, the Gods of Agartha guide and help their children to free themselves from the material prison. From Walhalla, they hold the flame of the Spirit that burns in the Polar ice, to greet all those who fight for spiritual liberation, and remain faithful to the ancient code of honor of the Gods of Agartha.

The hyperboreans are not immortal; immortality is mystical. The blood is the temple of eternity and the "blood’s memory" the transcendent nature of the spirit. The White Atlanteans left for their descendants magical Stones known as Venus Stones. These are objects where the Origin Sign can be perceived in the purity of their blood. As such, the Venus Stones are a link to the gods and must be preserved to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. The servants of Jehovah, the Swarthy Atlanteans seek to seize the Venus Stones. Over the centuries, they have managed to get hold of many of these stones that were guarded by the Aryan nations that they have managed to destroy. However, there are still some stones outside of their possession. The Letter of Belicena Villca refers to the history of a family, House Tharsis, which is the custody of two Holy Relics, the Wise Sword and a Venus Stone, inherited from their Atlantean-Hyperborean ancestors. Their racial condition causes the satanic agents of the world to direct against them fierce persecution whose sole intention is to exterminate them.

Story of an unknown war

The sinking of Atlantis marked the end of the Age of Hyperboreans. This catastrophe was the "first Great Flood within the Aryan historical memory." As the divine world disappeared from the Earth, it only remained as a mythical tale. The event was recovered by Plato and was later developed by Esoteric Traditions to the present day.

According to the letter of Belicena Villca, the greatest enemies of the Hyperborean Races are the Golems, the most faithful servants and worshipers of the Demiurge. Their origin has to be placed in the 8th century BC when Sargon destroyed the Kingdom of Israel. A group of Jews led by a powerful caste of Levites flees to the Caucasus, where the Aryan peoples decimated them. Later, they were integrated into a culture that roamed the plains of central Asia, the Scythians. The Levite caste was never integrated into the Scythian nation and did not essentially alter its racial and cultural identity. They remained faithful to the Cult of Jehovah-Satan and the Kabbalah, advancing in the study of sorcery and black magic. From then on, they will be known as the Golem. According to the book Oera Linda, the Frisians meet the Golems in North Africa (Carthage). The Frisians nickname them Triuweden, which means “those who do not possess the truth”. From this Frisian term, the word druid would come.

When the Scythians invaded Europe, they were known as Celts and were led by the Druids. Under the shadow of Moloch, the Golems will also be behind Carthage’s campaigns of harassment against Tartessos and Rome. The Kingdom of Tartessos was the last remnant of the Atlantean civilization, and it would be destroyed by the Carthaginians around the year 500 BC, when it was the most evolved civilization of the ancient West. Once Tartessos was conquered, the Druids finally had the opportunity to seize the relics of the House Tharsis (the ancestors of Belicena Villca), although the aristocracy of Tartessos managed to hide the Hyperborean treasure.

At the end of the III Punic War in 146 BC, Carthage was destroyed, and Rome was victorious. The priests of Moloch flee towards the eastern Mediterranean, looking for a new refuge where to shelter their cult and swearing eternal revenge against Rome and its lineage. Serrano affirms due to the historical circumstances that occurred 150 years before Christ; the Chosen People took "a Pact of Black Magic" to gain world power along with the destruction of the divine Aryans. In the Book The Myth of the 20th Century, Alfred Rosenberg refers that: “The destruction of Carthage was from the point of view of the history of the races an extraordinarily important action. World history might have taken another course if, like the demolition of Carthage, the destruction of all other Syrian and pre-Asian Semitic-Jewish powerhouses had been completely accomplished. Titus' action (destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, AD 70) came too late: the parasite was no longer only in Jerusalem but had extended its strongest sucking tentacles from Egypt and Hellas against Rome. And they were already acting inside Rome, too!”.

The Golems (Druids) managed to establish Judeo-Christianity as revenge against the Blood Pact, causing Rome's downfall by destroying its Hyperborean polytheism. Slowly, but gradually, Jehovah-Satan’s cult undermined the spirit and culture of the peoples of Europe. During Middle Ages House Tharsis and the European aristocracy were forced by the Golem Popes to adopt Christianity. However, the Tartessians only adopted it from an Aryan mystic point of view, as opposed to Judeo-Christianity, identifying Khristos Lucifer with Wotan, a hyperborean warrior who fought for the liberation of the Aryans from the prison of matter (by crucifying himself in the Tree of Terror).

The Cathars, a Christian gnostic sect, adopted some of these Luciferic beliefs. During the 13th century, they maintained a heroic resistance against the satanic forces of the Vatican. In 1209 by the Roman Pope, jealous and afraid of the new faith, launched The Albigensian Crusade to persecute, torture and annihilate the ‘pure ones’ under the crime of being "heretics". In March 1244, the Cathar fortress of Montsegur succumbed to the military forces of the Church. "Kill them all; God will recognize his own", was the order of the papal envoy when the forces entered Beziers, killing more than twenty thousand people; mothers, children and the elderly. Legend has it that the Cathars were the Graal's last custodians; and to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, a group managed to get out of the Castle and put it to safety. The Devil’s agents searched incessantly for the relic but never found it.

The Universal Emperor vs the Imperial Messiah

Before the Grail, by Joseph Freely.The Graal (Grail) written in an ancient runic language, reveals the secret knowledge of the ancient gods. The Cathars were guardians of this treasure and from it they received light and bliss, although they would never decipher the meaning of the message inscribed on it.

The Letter of Belicena Villca explains to us the existence of two irreconcilable antagonistic pacts: the Blood Pact of the Universal Imperator and the Cultural Pact of the Hebrew Messiah. On the one hand, we find the creative impulse, the living forces of the spirit and on the other hand, the materialistic world, dominated by the satanic agents of degeneration and death. Throughout the ages, philosophers and sages initiated in the Hyperborean tradition have predicted the appearance of a Savior-King who will rule Europe for a thousand years, reinstating the Aryan Imperium and putting an end to the Dark Ages. In medieval times, the myth corresponded to that of the Great Imperial Monarch, related to the Arthurian romances, a sovereign who was destined to impose the final peace preceding the coming of Christ. On the contrary, the Papacy always despised the Pure-blood regal prophecies. The Golens who control the church have always considered Caesarism as the worst enemy of Zionism. Frederick I "Barbarossa", Frederick II (Hohenstaufen), and Napoleon are examples of it. The ancient work of the Jew has been to try to replace the universal Aryan Imperator with the biblical Messiah, the Antichrist.

The Golems have dominated the Vatican from the start, electing Popes and giving the final word to their plans for Universal control. Charlemagne, controlled by them, led the Franks to war against the Saxons, their blood brothers. The Saxons, greatly outnumbered, resisted heroically for years but inevitably lost the war. In 783, at Verden, Charlemagne had five thousand Saxon nobles beheaded. Their Pure Blood would consummate a ritual blood sacrifice to please the Demiurge YHWH.

From then on, the Golems focused on the ‘sacred’ task of recovering the Solomon's treasure and the Tablets of the Law. To do this, they threw the ideal of the Crusade to the European masses to "liberate" the "holy land" of Jerusalem. Once the treasure was recovered, the Golems would try to create a unified Europe under Zion, a military and financial Order ultimately governed by the Chosen People. And yet they failed. Faced with the onslaught of the Satanic Forces that tried to subdue Europe, the dormant springs of European consciousness awoke in various manifestations, giving rise to resistance movements from rulers worthy of their titles, such as Emperor Frederick II and Philip IV of France.

Frederick II, emperor from 1220 to 1250, had been ‘Chosen’ and prepared by the Templars in Saint John of Acre around 1228 to establish the Universal Messianic Kingdom. But the plan failed because the king, unlike his predecessors, managed to access the ancient hyperborean knowledge, coming to realize the Golems darkest secret; the Messianic-Satanic plan of the Templars. That was how he ended up rejecting their agenda and facing them. His great courage and intelligence would make him an irreducible enemy of the Papacy. After his death (1250) a legend focused around him, remembering him as the sleeping emperor who waits inside a mountain for the time to wake up and restore the Imperium. Then, in the 16th century, the sleeping emperor became Frederick Barbarossa.

It will be Philip IV of France (1285-1314) who concluded Frederick's work: he expelled the Jews from France in 1306, and a year later, he annihilated the Order of the Temple, the financial-banking structure of the Vatican. The triumph of Philip the Fair over the Templars made France the greatest Western power at the beginning of the 16th century. At this point, the forces of the Synarchy had suffered a crippling strike from which they would take nearly seven centuries to recover.

Freemasonry arose in the modern age as deriving the Order of the Temple. It is a purely Jewish organization, that is, promoted by the financial-banking power to serve Zion’s interests. The "secrets" kept by Freemasonry are mostly invented; they appropriate "mythology" of various ancient traditions and inclined such knowledge, obviously, towards Jewish Messianism.

The Great Leader of the White Race

The Destruction of the Beast and the False Prophet, by Benjamin West. The last battalion in the final War, commanded by the Last Avatar, will mark the End of the White Fraternity and its infernal Abode, Chang Shambalah. After the Last Battle, there will be no more Zionism, Freemasonry, Marxism, Capitalism, Vatican, degradation, usury, violence, war, theft, etc.

As we know, finally, in the 20th century, "the century of the Jews", the plan of the White Fraternity would return with renewed forces to impose a planetary tyranny under a new banner; Communism. In the context of this Esoteric-Occult War, a movement of resistance was unleashed in Germany to free themselves and Europe from the secret demonic agents, the Golems, who tried to seize the definitive Power of the World through the Great Deception of Marxism. According to Miguel Serrano, the Second World War would have been similar to the one described in the Hindu-Aryan Epic of the Mahabharata. World War II and its fatal consequences meant the definitive collapse of humanity, which is now a corpse at the mercy of the looting and crime of satanic financial agents devoted to Zionist Globalism. This is the moment we find ourselves in now, facing the darkest times in history.

The Mystery of Belicena Villca details the hidden esoteric war that took place during the Great War, such as the Operation Altwesten of the SS in Tibet against the conspiracy of the White Fraternity and Chang Shamballa. You will find that Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the Germanic Race, sought to recreate an Agartha on Earth by reestablishing the original purity of the Aryans, the last descendants of the White Atlanteans. Germany was meant to become the center of the New Thule-Atlantis, the beginning of an earthly Paradise that would reflect the original perfection of Hyperborea. The book also describes Hitler as an Aryan, "enlightened one", a man who remained faithful to the ancestral code of honor and loyalty of the Blood Pact, an Avatara who came to this world to reveal the "Great Conspiracy", as well as to denounce the growing degeneration and bastardization of his Volk (people). When the Führer died, and the Third Reich fell, a cycle of humanity was closed, in which many heroes managed to get out and free themselves from the chains of the Demiurge. All of them won Walhalla.

In the famous Twilight of the Gods, the Gods and heroes try in vain, before the assault of the Dark Forces, to reconquer their throne, dragging the world to its downfall. The historical cycle ends when a new dawn sees the light and the sign of justice sprout from a purified land. We must understand the cyclical Indo-aryan view of the Universe. Just as the civilizations of Hyperborea and Atlantis existed and were destroyed, our current civilization will disappear at the worst moment of its decline and will give birth, or rather rebirth, to another new cycle, and the whole process will start again.

The hyperborean spirit that vanished in 1945 will return in the World's final days. Ancient traditions speak of the end of mortal times, the immortal heroes will return in the Final Battle. The last Avatar will generate a mystical army that, although numerically much smaller than the endless hordes of followers of the Demiurge, will be much more powerful. He will put to end the degenerate and perverse Kingdom dominated by the Antichrist, the Jewish Messiah, the False Prophet, the High Priest of the Invisible Sanhedrin of the Elders of Zion. After that, a new Golden Age will then be created, the Norse Brimir promised in Ragnarök.

The Occult Power knows it and tries to stop, or delay as much as possible, the Final Battle, giving time to the formation of Israel's World Government. But the End of Times is inevitable. The Charismatic Leader of the White Race will emerge in a time of degradation so exaggerated that the righteous will be very few. The Earth can no longer be saved or redeemed, and he will have the sacred mission to unleash the End of History. “However”, writes Nimrod de Rosario, “if the Charismatic Leader does not coincide in the Kairos, and does not appear, the Final Battle will be equally inevitable from the moment that the sleeping men find the remaining Venus Stone and meet again with their Extraterrestrial Origin, to claim to the Gods the Liberation of the Spirit. Then the Loyal Gods of Agartha, as they have decided since the days of the sinking of Atlantis, will come to the rescue of the Hyperborean Man one last time. And that descent, that Final Battle led by Navutan, the Lord of the Absolute War, and supervised by Ama, the Virgin of Agartha, will mark the End of the White Fraternity and its infernal Abode, the Kâlachakra Key of Chang Shambalah”.



When justice is crushed, when evil is triumphant, then I come back. For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers, for the establishment of the Reign of Righteousness, I am born again and again, age after age.


Bhagavad Gita [4: 7-8].


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